Village News


December 2007    -    Parish Council Newsletter

27 December 2007    -    Fears over loss of local democracy

Regulations under a reformed Government act may threaten local democracy, worry Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council.

Local councils were not consulted about the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill, which gained royal assent in October.

Under the act, the council can appoint specialists to help it on certain projects, but the Secretary of State may make orders governing who is appointed, how many people are appointed, their term of office and if that person can vote on the council.

Chairman of Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council Councillor Lorraine Harding said: "It could potentially mean that you could lose local democracy and lose accountability, why should the Secretary of State be able to appoint someone?

"It doesn't necessarily mean that anything will change but when the power is there it might well be used.

"I think local councils should have been consulted about this."

When asked what the worse case scenario for local councils might be if the Secretary of State made such orders, Cllr Harding said: "Well I suppose it is if the Secretary of State tried to appoint all the councillors, but I don't suppose they would.

"But it would also be a worry if the number of people appointed was high enough to out-vote the elected councillors on local issues.

"We must protect our democracy."

Silsden councillor Michael Elsmore, who is also the chairman of the Yorkshire Local Council Association, said that the YLCA was worried about the act as well.

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20 December 2007    -    Young and old are on song

Fourteen tots serenaded the residents of Steeton Court Nursing Home with festive songs in a union of young and old.

Children from Bridge House Nursery, in Steeton, sang Christmas carols dressed as Santa Claus, angels and wise men, to a packed room of people.

Afterwards, the youngsters received a chocolate contained in a small stocking, which Helen Edwards, one of the sisters at the home, had personally knitted for them.

Paul Wilson - activity organiser for Steeton Court, which is off Skipton Road - said: "Some residents do not have grandchildren or relatives or family so it is nice for them to have a little gathering." The residents have also enjoyed a performance of Christmas carols from Eastburn Junior School.

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17 December 2007    -    Parish councillor appointed

A new councillor has been appointed to Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council.

Karen Pickard, 46, beat off one other competitor to be voted in to represent the Eastburn ward.

Her appointment follows the resignation of Adele Mitchell more than two months ago.

Mrs Pickard said she had become interested in council affairs after attending meetings with her daughter Shelley, who is campaigning for a trial bike park to be built on Eastburn playing fields.

Mrs Pickard, who has lived in Eastburn for seven years and works at Eastburn School, said: "I am interested in what is going on locally.

"I am happy to go and find things out and if there is a job to be done I do not mind doing it. I think the council does a fantastic job."

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15 December 2007    -    Who's that man standing by Dolly?

Dedicated Dolly Parton fan Mark Wilson is fast turning his home into West Yorkshire's answer to Dollywood!

The sales assistant, of Steeton, near Keighley, has been a diehard Dolly fan for 25 years.

He has spent thousands of pounds on memorabilia, including posters, books, DVDs, CDs and vinyl albums, and has signed pictures of Dolly on his walls.

He even has a lifesize cardboard model of the diminutive country and western star, with which he is pictured.

Mark was in Rotherham for Dolly's recent visit, promoting her Imagine Library children's reading scheme.

"I've met her a few times and seen her in concert 30 times," said Mark.

"I've bought tickets for just about every one of her UK shows next year.

"She's such a huge talent - a songwriter, singer, musician and actress - and remains down-to-earth and friendly.

"She could give today's young stars a masterclass in how to behave."

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13 December 2007    -    Seven-vehicle crash closes trunk road

A seven-vehicle accident closed the Aire Valley Trunk Road between Keighley and Steeton this morning.

One man was taken to Airedale Hospital after he was cut from his car by Keighley firefighters.

The pile-up, on treacherous ice, involved six cars and a road-sweeping vehicle.

Firefighter Joe O'Keeffe, from Keighley, said he believed a car had spun on ice and other vehicles were unable to brake to avoid it.

The driver of the road sweeper stopped to help and two cars struck his vehicle.

Mr O'Keeffe said: "The road conditions were very treacherous. There had been a hard frost and it was extremely slippery."

Police, firefighters and paramedics worked together at the crash scene, on the Keighley to Silsden carriageway, after the alarm was raised at 5.45am.

A police spokesman said the man taken to hospital was not believed to have serious injuries.

Mr O'Keeffe said two cars had left the road and ended up in bushes.

The road was closed in both directions and traffic was diverted through Utley.

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12 December 2007    -    Parked cars proving a danger near school

Concerns over child road safety has led Steeton Primary School to request traffic regulation orders (TROs) to be put on neighbouring streets.

Head teacher Christine Newson said that cars parked on the pavement were causing a danger to children - as well as their parents.

Mums and dads currently have to step out into the road to push their prams when they cannot get past.

Although the school applied for TROs to be placed on Market Street and School Street, Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council only gave its permission for an order to be put on the former.

Mrs Newson said that this was just one of many initiatives the school was using to make it safer.

She said: "We want the children to be safe coming to school as they are being dropped off and collected.

"Mums are having to walk in the road with their buggies, which is not acceptable.

"There are some parents' cars but also some local residents' cars.

"The order would be during school days, that's only 190 days of the year, for just a few hours each day."

Mrs Newson said the school generally enjoyed a good relationship with neighbouring residents, who were allowed to use the school car park between 6pm and 8am. A consultation process between Bradford Council and the residents will now take place before the TRO is enforced.

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22 November 2007    -    Brave mum forms human roadblock

A councillor concerned about children's road safety stood up for the rights of school pupils - literally.

Councillor Sue Thompson, of Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council, refused to move from the path of an oncoming car because it was travelling the wrong way up a road.

Cllr Thompson has complained for months about the danger of traffic driving illegally up the one-way Chapel Road, in Steeton, especially at school going home time.

Fed-up with persistent offending cars, the mother-of-two stood in the middle of the road while walking her children home and forced a car to back down after a 10-minute stand-off.

Cllr Thompson said: "The car was coming the wrong way and I was walking the right way with the children and I walked out in front of him and made it clear I wasn't moving.

"The driver said he just needed to go through to get to an appointment but I said that isn't my problem. He edged forward but I didn't flinch so he realised I wasn't moving.

"Eventually, he got the idea I was serious and he turned around and went the right way."

Chairman of the parish council Lorraine Harding said Cllr Thompson had been "very brave".

Despite the council erecting a "No Entry" sign some months ago to further discourage cars from flouting the traffic rules, Cllr Thompson said the problem had not improved at all.

Many parents walk their children home from school along Chapel Road because it is considered a safer route than the main road but this is now being questioned.

"The other day I was driving the right way down in my car because it was raining and three vans and two cars came up the wrong way. I am no match for three vans in my courtesy car," said Cllr Thompson.

Although the parish councillor may not have won any fans on the road, she has certainly achieved some on foot during the walking route home.

When asked what her children had thought of her defiant act, she said: "They were well impressed."

And added: "I will continue to do it until the message has got through."

Meanwhile, the parish council will continue to bring the issue up with the police at their regular tasking meetings in the hope that more checks on the road can be done.

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16 November 2007    -    Speed limit to be halved on main road

The speed limit on the main road into Steeton from Keighley is to be halved.

Keighley Area Committee has approved a cut from 60 to 30mph.

The new limit applies to a stretch between Hawkcliffe House - on the bend just before Steeton - and allotment gardens near Cricketers Walk.

The area committee, Bradford Council's local decision-making body, originally approved the speed reduction last year.

When the proposal was advertised last August the council received several letters of support from residents.

One resident objected, fearing the speed reduction would hinder emergency vehicles trying to reach Airedale Hospital.

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16 November 2007    -    Parking ban approved

A parking ban at a dangerous junction in Steeton has been approved.

Double yellow lines will be painted on Mill Lane and High Street around their junction.

There will be similar waiting restrictions around the Mill Lane junction with busy Skipton Road.

The action aims to tackle congestion and road safety problems caused by increased traffic from the nearby Barrows Lane housing development.

Bradford Council engineers recommended waiting restrictions at both junctions to protect sightlines, ease congestion and protect pedestrians.

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15 November 2007    -    Deadline for new councillor days away

Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council is seeking a member of the public who has what it takes to join its team.

It is looking for someone to fill a seat in the Eastburn ward after Adele Mitchell resigned last month, claiming the job was "just not for me".

The closing date for applications is next Friday. Would-be councillors are asked to send an application or a small resume to the parish council clerk, Cheryl Brown, by email at Applicants can also phone her on 01535 636682 or write to her at 6 The Fold, Lothersdale, Keighley BD20 8HD.

Youngsters in Steeton and Eastburn will have the opportunity to partake in special sessions, supervised by youth workers.

Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council has decided to spend £600 on the sessions, out of a £2,000 grant given to it by Keighley area co-ordinator's office for youth issues.

The council plans to discuss with young people what activities they want the youth workers to run. The four two-hour sessions are being trailed to see if they prove popular.

Chairman Lorraine Harding and other members of the council agreed to attend the post office closures consultation at the Temple Row Centre in Keighley on November 27, at 8pm.

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14 November 2007    -    Police still searching for clues after fatal crash

Police are trying to piece together how a late-night crash on a dual carriageway left one man dead and three others injured.

It is understood that one of the vehicles, a green Daihatsu Fourtrak, broke down on the A629 Aire Valley trunk road and the other, a Volkswagen van, ploughed into the back of it around 10.25pm on November 6.

The crash happened on the Keighley to Steeton section of the dual carriageway half a mile from the Hard Ings Road roundabout.

The man who died, 31-year-old Mohammed Majid, of Greystones Drive, Keighley, had been travelling in the Daihatsu, which had stopped in the nearside lane. Two other people in the Daihatsu, one of whom was a 20-year-old man, were injured. He was taken to nearby Airedale Hospital for treatment. The other person was taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary.

The driver of the red VW Transporter van suffered slight injuries and was also taken to Airedale Hospital.

A Keighley police spokesman said: "We think there may have been some mechanical fault with the Daihatsu Fourtrak but as yet we are not sure what the exact reason was."

The dual carriageway was closed to traffic and diversions set up while the vehicles were removed and investigations carried out.

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13 November 2007    -    Speed limit may be halved

The speed limit on the main road into Steeton from Keighley is likely to be halved to 30mph.

Keighley Area Committee is expected to give final approval to the reduction on Keighley Road on Thursday night.

The current 60mph limit would be reduced between Hawkcliffe House and allotment gardens near Cricketers Walk.

The area committee, Bradford Council's local decision-making body, originally approved the speed reduction last year. When the proposal was advertised last August the council received several letters of support from residents.

One resident objected, fearing the speed reduction would hinder emergency vehicles trying to reach Airedale Hospital. The objector claimed motorists would not stop speeding, and said there had been no major accidents on the stretch of road since the bypass was opened.

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10 November 2007    -    Couple find love in the fast lane

Many couples have shared loving glances across the aisle, but for pensioners Richard Whitehead and Enid Banham it was the aisle of a coach and it led to marriage neither was expecting to find in their later years.

Lifelong bachelor and retired pharmacist Richard met his bride-to-be, Enid, a widow and mother of three grown-up children, on a bus bound for Scotland.

And it was a mix-up in who was sitting where on the National Express coach that opened the door on another journey they never expected.

The chance exchange of words about the mistake on the trip to a dancing holiday in Scotland in 1999, eventually led to them plighting their troth.

It all started when Richard, now 84, from Steeton, near Keighley, boarded the bus at Steeton. Enid, who was brought up in Rawdon but had spent most of her adult life in Bacup, Lancashire, had caught the coach with her sister in Bradford.

Richard politely pointed out to Enid what he thought was an error in the seating arrangements.

Her reply - "Just sit yourself down next to me and I'm sure everything will be fine!" - proved to be more significant that either expected.

Once Richard settled into his seat the conversation began to flow and they immediately realised how much they took pleasure in each other's company.

During their holiday they spent time together, enjoying the occasional dance, and when it eventually came to an end they decided to continue their promising friendship. Because Enid lived in Bacup, visiting one another proved difficult to continue so they made the decision to get married.

They walked down the aisle at Steeton Methodist Church in April 2000 - Richard was 76 and Enid, 70.

Enid, who is now 77, said: "We should have got married earlier, but our wedding with family and friends around us was a joyous occasion."

"I've learnt from our experience to always expect the unexpected.

"I would never have imagined that when I stepped on that coach I would have met the man I would marry but it just goes to show love can happen to you anytime and anywhere!"

According to a survey by National Express, Enid and Richard are not the only lucky couple to be brought together by coach travel.

The survey of 2,000 travellers showed that one in 30 people across the UK have met someone special across the aisle, while one in 15 have made long-term friendships.

National Express spokesman Karen Beasley said: "We always like to hear about real-life stories that happen on our coaches and Enid and Richard's story was certainly one that we wanted to share.

"It just goes to show the experiences people can have on coaches all in the course of one journey!"

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7 November 2007    -    Police probe fatal crash

Police are trying to piece together how a late-night crash on a duel carriageway left one man dead and three others injured.

It is understood that one of the vehicles, a green Daihatsu Fourtrak, broke down on the A629 Aire Valley trunk road and the other, a Volkswagen van, ploughed into the back of it.

The crash happened last night on the Keighley to Steeton section of the duel carriageway about half a mile from the Hard Ings Road roundabout.

The man who died had been travelling in the Daihatsu which had stopped in the nearside lane. Police were not releasing his name until relatives have been informed.

Two other people in the Daihatsu, one of whom was a 20-year-old man, were also injured. He was taken to nearby Airedale General Hospital, Steeton, for treatment. The other person was taken to Bradford Royal Infirmary.

The driver of red VW Transporter van suffered slight injuries and was also taken to Airedale Hospital.

A Keighley police spokesman confirmed the accident occurred before the Keighley golf course bridge which spans the road.

He said: "We think there may have been some mechanical fault with the Diahatsu Fourtrak but as yet we are not sure what the exact reason was - we are investigating."

The dual carriageway was closed to traffic and diversions set up while the vehicles were removed and an investigation was carried out at the scene.

Officers have appealed for witnesses to the accident, which occurred at about 10.25pm, or anyone with information about either vehicles beforehand, to contact Keighley road traffic unit on 0845 6060606.

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1 November 2007    -    Factory site up for sale again

The former headquarters of The Original Factory Shop, in Steeton, is back on the market - only a month after it was sold.

Turner Developments, which bought the site from the budget retailer after the company relocated to Burnley, hopes to re-sell the site for £2.5 million or rent it out at £200,000 per year.

James Turner, of Ilkley-based Turner Developments, said if the Steeton Millennium Business Park site did not sell, the company would consider refurbishing it before putting it back on the market.

But he added that the commercial market, unlike the domestic market, was still strong and interest through agents Hayfield Robinson had been encouraging.

"We've only just bought it within the last month and would really like to get it occupied again and back into productivity," he said.

The site, which features warehousing and offices, was built in 1983 for the British Oxygen Company before being taken over by The Original Factory Shop in the late 1990s.

The Factory Shop, which has premises in Keighley and Ilkley, moved to Burnley earlier this year after recording a record year of trading.

Mr Turner said he believed interest in the site was strong because of its attractive location between Skipton and Keighley and because it was a modern factory building.

"It is a great building on a fantastic site and at 60,000 sq ft it is one of the biggest buildings between Skipton and Keighley," he explained.

Mr Turner said the company would consider splitting the site if it was not sold as a whole.

"We have had a few parties around already, mainly local companies who have been attracted to the high quality of the building. Its size certainly makes it attractive, there are not a lot on the market of that quality."

Mr Turner added that the building was also conveniently located close to Steeton and Silsden Railway Station.

And he believed the commercial market was still strong and thriving in the area.

"There is a dearth of good quality modern buildings, especially in Keighley. A lot of manufacturing businesses are in out-of-date buildings," he added.

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30 October 2007    -    'Pudsey' pair walk for children

Two teenage boys have discovered what it is like to walk 26 miles in Pudsey Bear's shoes.

The 14-year-olds - both pupils at South Craven School, Cross Hills - walked from Steeton to Pudsey to raise money for Children In Need.

Lee Merriman from Steeton and Josh Currie from Bolton Abbey donned Pudsey Bear costumes for the canalside sponsored trek.

The boys, accompanied by 67-year-old Leslie Howard and his dog Paddy, managed to complete the walk in nine hours.

They raised a total of £375, of which £72 was donated by passers-by.

Josh said: "We like to raise money for Children In Need. We like to help other children and this year we have planned this walk ourselves."

Lee said: "It was really long, but it was good.

"The last two miles were probably the hardest because it was all uphill to Pudsey, but my mum was waiting there in a minibus to pick us up. We are very proud of ourselves."

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22 October 2007    -    Developer buys former Factory Shop

A developer has bought the former Factory Shop headquarters at Steeton.

Turner Developments Ltd has acquired the freehold of the building and plans a refurbishment programme.

The warehouse and office unit became vacant following Factory Shop's relocation to Burnley.

James Turner, of Turner Developments Ltd, said: "This represents another significant multi-million-pound investment for us in the area.

"Following our developments at Steeton Grove and Silsden Business Park, we are committed to providing good quality premises for local businesses wishing to start up or expand and businesses wishing to relocate here.

"Workforce availability and the vibrant local economy have contributed to the success of Airedale and this is set to continue."

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20 October 2007    -    Australian adventure for Yvonne

A veteran cook at South Craven School, Cross Hills, is calling it a day after nearly three decades of work.

Yvonne Pittock, of Steeton, has been head cook in its Airedale kitchen for the past ten years, but she has worked in the school kitchens for 29 years.

She and her husband John, a retired fireman, are now setting off for Australia for the trip of a lifetime.

A spokesman for South Craven School said: "One of Yvonne's hallmarks has always been that no child should go hungry.

"She was always concerned when a child lost their dinner money - or dropped their dinner! She would always help out and reassure them.

"She was interested in their opinions of the food prepared for them and has tried to provide healthy meals for her charges."

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11 October 2007    -    Flood fears raised by councillors

Steeton beck could flood if urgent action is not taken soon to clear it, it is feared.

Chairman of Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council, Councillor Lorraine Harding, said at the latest meeting: "It would be catastrophic if that beck blocked up, Steeton would flood."

Cllr John Hargreaves alerted the council to the potential danger after he had noticed tree branches and foliage piling up.

He said: "The beck is full of old trees - it needs cleaning out. Somebody has cut them down from somewhere. There are a number of trees growing out of the sides too and they are bringing the walls down."

Cllr Harding thanked Cllr Hargreaves for raising the issue at the council meeting and said that the matter must be urgently dealt with. She said: "I really hope that beck does not block up in the meantime."

The town clerk will now contact the relevant agencies to assess if the pile up of matter is dangerous and how it can best be cleared.

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11 October 2007    -    Councillor pays tribute in resignation letter

A Steeton with Eastburn parish councillor has resigned after just 20 months in the post.

Adele Mitchell, elected in February 2006, said that the job was "just not for me".

She said: "I think the council do a very good job and most of the time it is thankless.

"I have been on a lot of committees and things but it is not quite like anything else I have come across.

"It is a very difficult job that they do and a lot of the time they are perceived by the public as not doing anything, because they are in the hands of so many different departments and sometimes their hands are tied.

"You have some councillors who have been on it, some of them for years and years and they are very dedicated to what they do."

In her resignation letter, which was read at the council meeting of just five present councillors, Mrs Mitchell said that she had felt for some time the job wasn't suited to her and she also said that the council worked as a good team and should continue to do so.

To re-elect a new councillor to replace Mrs Mitchell, the council must now wait for ten electors to ask for an election.

If this doesn't occur, then after a short period of time it will advertise the position to the public.

The council accepted Mrs Mitchell's letter of resignation and plan to reply, thanking her for her service.

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11 October 2007    -    Steeton achieve Clubmark standard

Steeton Cricket Club recently received the prestigious Clubmark accolade.

Steeton is only one of approximately 70 clubs in Yorkshire and 300 in the whole country to achieve the accreditation.

Steeton CC secretary Michael Wilson said: "Accreditation for the club means we are doing all the right things within the community and shows we are a well constituted, well-run club."

The accreditation recognises that Steeton have a solid junior cricket programme in place, the right number of coaches, engages with local schools and have child protection and first aid policies in place.

"It allows the kids to develop in an all-inclusive environment and gives us a structure to build on for the future. It gives us a good base to develop our junior section and gives us a chance to receive additional funding."

Brian Wheeler, the Clubmark assessor said of the club: "All areas requiring assessment were very well satisfied.

"It was a pleasure to visit and assess a club who have clearly worked hard to achieve Clubmark."

Wilson said the Clubmark must be renewed every three years and we will get assessed every year."

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11 October 2007    -    Junior awards hat-trick

Tom Stead, Charlotte Boulton and Stephen Pearson were among the winners at Steeton Cricket Club's junior presentation night held last Friday.

Tom Stead, skipper of league winners Steeton U-15s, also plays for North Yorkshire Schools and the Lords Taverners teams and last year represented Yorkshire.

He won Steeton batting averages and also the coveted Cricketer of the Year award for the Upper Airedale Junior League at U-15s level.

He became the first player to win this award twice (in 2005 he won the U-13s award) and also was a key member of the second team league winners scoring over 400 runs

Charlotte, who also played for Steeton U-15s, played for the Yorkshire U-17s and U-15s, and was the leading run scorer for both. She won the Upper Airedale Junior Girl Cricketer of the Year. Charlotte has also been called up for the North of England U-19s training squad.

Stephen made it a hat-trick of awards winning the U-17s Cricketer of the Year award. He also broke the record of most runs in a season and is currently playing cricket in Australia.

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10 October 2007    -    Anger at cancer treatment plans

A health campaigner who has twice beaten cancer has warned that lives will be at risk if patients currently treated at Airedale General Hospital have to travel to Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI).

Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy at Airedale Hospital in Steeton, near Keighley, will be transferred to the BRI if they become ill, a report has revealed.

Currently, those who develop a high temperature, severe vomiting and diarrhoea and need complex' treatment go to Airedale's Haematology and Oncology Day Unit (HODU) as in-patients.

But under the changes expected to come into force by the end of the month, the unit will lose four or five beds and in-patients will instead have to travel long distances to BRI.

Former cancer patient David Howe, 59, of Wrexham Road, Burley-in-Wharfedale, has now urged health bosses not to rush into any changes.

He said: "If this centralisation of services has to happen, then transport needs should be addressed before the closure of beds occurs at Airedale General Hospital. These patients are already very poorly and the sad fact is that we are probably going to see some of them die because of travelling the extra distances to Bradford.

"I am very lucky. I have a wife who drives. But if I had to get public transport I would have to go from Burley-in-Wharfedale to Bradford by getting myself to the railway station and to Bradford, and then get a taxi."

A spokesman for the Airedale NHS Trust stressed the hospital's cancer ward would not be closed.

She said: "For the great majority of cancer patients, care will still be local at Airedale Hospital. A very small number of patients who have serious complications as a result of their chemotherapy, which can be life-threatening, will be treated in a specialist ward at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

"Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has the facilities and expertise to provide specialist cancer care."

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3 October 2007    -    £10m mental health unit opens

A £10 million state-of-the-art mental health care centre has been officially opened in Steeton.

The Airedale Centre for Mental Health, run by the Bradford District Care Trust, has been described as an "innovation" in mental health provision for the area.

Chairman of the trust, Barry Seal, even described the new unit as being "like a hotel", because it offered facilities such as en-suite bedrooms, a gymnasium, a computer suite and social lounges, as well as art and craft rooms.

The centre, located in the grounds of Airedale General Hospital, now operates a needs-led, rather than age-led service.

This means that young and old people will all be cared for together, in what the chief executive, Simon Large, called an "ageless service".

There to officially open the new centre on Friday was Lord Kamlesh Patel, chairman of the Mental Health Act Commission.

He told guests: "People coming into hospital at a time of mental crisis should be able to expect to be received into a friendly, clean and comfortable environment where they can feel safe.

"I have high hopes that Airedale will provide such an environment. They have male and female wards which is important, especially for women who must not feel threatened and should not have to share facilities with men in ways that undermine their safety or dignity.

"It is not what you would expect from a hospital, in that it doesn't feel clinical, but there is a very homely feel to it."

Lord Patel said that mental health care was going through a transition in relation to the development of community services and people being increasingly treated from home.

But he said while this was good, it should not draw attention and funding away from in-patient care.

"Up and down the country, the Mental Health Act Commission sees staff in old and inadequate facilities struggling to provide appropriate care and treatment to those patients who need inpatient care, so I want to pay tribute to Bradford District Care Trust for providing this new centre," he said.

The single-storey building has a modern design and layout, with outdoor spaces, natural lighting, a courtyard and a multi-faith room.

Mr Large said: "This centre is bang up-to-date and we're extremely proud of it. There will not be many other mental health care units in the country that can offer more than what we're offering and that, for people in the area, is extremely important.

"It's an excellent example of a modern, patient-centred facility and has been developed in direct consultation with our service users at every stage."

The centre has replaced wards four, 11 and 12 of the main hospital and has been designed to prevent patients who need special care walking out unseen and harming themselves.

Between 2001 and 2005, six mental health patients unofficially walked out of Airedale Hospital and died on the nearby railway line.

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September 2007    -    Parish Council Newsletter

26 September 2007    -    Row over pothole road has a smooth ending

Residents are "delighted" that the pothole-ridden terrain of Summerhill Avenue, at Steeton, is finally being surfaced after six long years of campaigning.

Diggers have moved in to start the three-week-long work to smooth over the road, which has been in a dirt-track state since the houses were built in the 1930s.

Residents have agreed to pay the £70,000 cost of resurfacing the road to Bradford Council, which will now maintain it.

Simon Bridge, who lives in Summerhill Avenue with his wife and three sons, said: "It was a nightmare.

"I was always out there unblocking drains and shifting silt out, but now there's going to be drainage put in so I'm not getting down on my hands and knees to unblock drains any more.

"It was a health and safety issue. My boys were often going out and falling over and hurting themselves.

"There are elderly people who live in the street and don't own cars and they had to walk on it at night in the dark on their own. It was dangerous," he said.

But the path to getting the road smoothed over has been as rocky as Summerhill Avenue itself for some residents.

For the past two years they have had to help Bradford Council fight a civil law case against two residents who disagreed with the division of the repair costs. The cost of surfacing the road for each household is calculated by the area of linear frontage each property has, therefore bills ranged from £250 up to more than £4,000.

But two residents wanted to spread the cost equally between each household.

Mr Bridge, who has the largest bill of £4,387, said he was happy to pay it because it was just high time the road was done.

"I'm only going to pay once. We wanted to go through Bradford Council because then the job is done.

"If you have any problems you can contact the council but if you do it privately, you'll have to just keep paying for the upkeep and potentially a lawsuit if anyone falls and injures themselves outside your house."

Margaret Moorhouse, who has lived in the street since 1939, said: "I think all the residents are delighted that it is finally being done.

"You are always dusting from the dirt the road brings into the house.

"And I think the quality of the houses on the estate deserve it."

Mrs Moorhouse has a £1,800 bill for her portion of the road.

"I wouldn't exactly say it will be easy to find the money but to me it is worth it," she said. Summerhill Avenue is one of 2,000 roads in the Bradford area that need to be brought up to adoptable standard, which would cost the council £60 million without the help of residents.

Ward councillor Adrian Naylor, said: "From that point of view it is an on-going problem.

"It is the first one in the area and probably the first one in the Keighley constituency area to be brought up to this standard.

"The council needed 80 per cent of the residents to agree before it went ahead and it will probably improve the lives of the residents tremendously."

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20 September 2007    -    Memorial for Alec

A lover of the Yorkshire Dales is being remembered at a drystone wall on which he was working when he died.

Family and friends of Alec Bailey, right, have fixed a plaque to the wall high on Attermire Scar, looking towards Penyghent.

Mr Bailey, who lived in Currer Walk, Steeton, died last September, aged 64, while helping to build the length of wall.

A lifelong member of Keighley Rugby Union Football Club, he had taken early retirement from his job as an engineer to spend more time volunteering for the national park. The plaque has been commissioned by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and his fellow wallers.

His wife, Sally, said: "It is a beautiful, wild spot. The plaque's inscription reflects Alec's love of the outdoors and his interest in birds."

She said she hoped people who knew Alec would make the effort to leave the nearby footpath to see the plaque and remember his wit, laughter and enjoyment of the outdoor life.

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20 September 2007    -    Penny up for 'Fearless Female' award

An inspirational disabled woman left paralysed by a skydiving accident has been nominated for an award.

Penny Roberts, 44, is on the shortlist for a survival award in this year's Cosmopolitan Fun Fearless Female Awards.

The single mother has battled to keep her independence and live life to the full following her accident 12 years ago.

Penny, who used to live in Steeton, was told she would never regain movement below her chest but, through sheer determination, she can now move her arms.

However, she cannot sit up without support and requires round-the-clock care.

The former nurse's life changed forever at a team sky-dive in Florida - a sport she had enjoyed for many years.

Penny's main and reserve chutes tangled and only one third of a parachute was in operation as she fell 13,500ft on to a concrete runway, leaving her tetraplegic.

She spent nine months in hospital and said she was shocked at having to fight for a life which able-bodied people take for granted.

One of her biggest obstacles was coping with looking after her son, Peter, now nine.

She said: "I have always been independent and always feel infuriated when people feel I should lead a lesser life.

"You can do things, like driving, but as a disabled person you rely on how much people can help you. There were a lot of dark days when other people were in control of my life, people who didn't know me were telling me I couldn't be a parent.

"I have always been really stubborn. What I would say to others in my situation is that no-one can tell you your limitations. You have to work to your own goals and not other people's."

Penny said she was honoured to have been nominated for the award and was looking forward to the ceremony in London.

Amazingly, Penny has taken to the skies again and has taken part in half a dozen jumps, helping to raise money for charities, including Regain, Spinal Research and the Disabled Parents Network.

She has taken part in other fundraising challenges and is set for a 250-kilometre cycle ride in Egypt at the end of November.

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13 September 2007    -    Trials set to continue for bike enthusiasts

Trial bikers in the Steeton and Silsden area have suffered yet another setback.

Bradford Council has said it would cost £52,000 to drain Eastburn playing field before they can ride on it.

Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council promised to make the land useable for trial bikers after a 15-year-old girl took up the campaign to claim more space for youngsters to practice the sport.

Shelley Smith, a pupil at South Craven School, first brought the problem to the council in April.

Five months on, the trial bikers are still no closer to claiming the land for their outdoor pursuit.

Shelley said: "I got sick of skate parks being made for skaters, but yet there is nowhere for us to go. So I wrote to the parish council and they invited me to attend a meeting.

"This affects a lot of people. At the last competition I counted about 97 people from the local area and at the first meeting 20 of us turned up to have our say about it.

"We need it for kids who can't rely on their parents to take them to other places to ride.

"We need somewhere local, because it's more safe." The parish council had put aside £16,000 for the playing field to be drained, based on an original estimate by Bradford Council, but the local authority's parks and landscapes department - which is responsible for maintaining Eastburn playing field - now says the job will cost £52,000.

The parish council is left with the option of finding the extra money or looking for an independent quote, but if it carries out the work without Bradford Council then it would be left without insurance and maintenance cover for the field.

John Peacock - from Cross Hills - is the director of Tyke Trial, a Yorkshire-wide trial bike club. His nine-year-old son, Robbie, has been British trial biking champion three times.

Mr Peacock said: "It would be nice to use the Eastburn Park playing fields for training on. It is important there is somewhere for the kids to use their bikes.

"Rob is quite fortunate, I have devoted a lot of my time to this sport but there are a lot of kids who aren't as fortunate as him and don't have their parents to drive them around. It would be nice to go somewhere without getting moved on - I don't want my son to be someone who is always getting moved on."

Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council is continuing to investigate the best and quickest way to make the land suitable for trial bikers.

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13 September 2007    -    Council seeks your views on spending 100k

Ward councillors are calling on the residents of Silsden, Steeton and Eastburn to suggest what a £100,000 grant should be spent on in the area.

Bradford Council has given the money to Craven ward councillors to invest from the sale of Leeds-Bradford Airport.

Ward councillor Adrian Naylor told Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council: "We have £100,000 to spend, that is £33,000 per area, between Silsden, Steeton-and-Eastburn and Addingham.

"However, that is not to say that if there is a worthwhile common cause we would not choose to put the money into that."

The funding is to be spent on capital investments, which means any new build, improvements to existing properties, land purchases and any additional expenditure on fixed assets, as long as Bradford Council would not have to spend further money on maintaining it.

Later Cllr Naylor said: "The £100,000 is to be spent in the area at the discretion of the ward councillors. So what we have been doing is talking to the chairmen and councillors of the local town councils and we are looking for suggestions as to what they think would be best thing to support in their locality.

"I would like people in Silsden, Steeton and Eastburn to talk to their local councils and give them suggestions. This is a one-off opportunity and we need to find things that will benefit a lot of people."

The money could go towards an idea that already exits to gain more money through match funding, or to get an already existing project off the ground.

Cllr Naylor will access the ideas through the town and parish councils and will draw up a shortlist of suggestions over the next two months, before all the ward councillors make a final decision.

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4 September 2007    -    Limit will not cover all of blackspot

Plans to curb speeding at an accident blackspot outside Steeton do not cover the entire stretch of the affected road, it has been revealed.

The speed limit at Hawkcliffe corner, which has been the scene of a number of serious crashes, was scheduled to be cut from 60mph to 30mph.

But the proposed 30mph zone will only cover the first of these two bends - known locally as Aireburn Corner - a Bradford Council spokesman has confirmed. This zone will terminate just short of Hawkcliffe House.

The spokesman said: "The current proposal for the speed limit on Hawkcliffe corner does fall short of Hawkcliffe Farm. However, the plans are being advertised for people to respond to and a meeting has been arranged with the owners of Hawkcliffe Farm to discuss their point of view."

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30 August 2007    -    Speed limit to be slashed at blackspot

Action is being taken to put the brakes on speeding motorists at a notorious accident blackspot.

The speed limit is being slashed from 60mph to 30mph at Hawkcliffe Corner, on Keighley Road, Steeton - the scene of countless crashes over the years.

Andrea and Jack Hargreaves, who have lived near Hawkcliffe Corner for 10 years, have been pressing for measures to combat speeding motorists and now want the reduction to be implemented as soon as possible.

Mrs Hargreaves said: "At all times of the day and night cars and other vehicles use the road from Hawkcliffe Corner to the traffic lights as their little Brands Hatch.

"There also appears to be a free-for-all regarding the size of the lorries passing our house, and 30-tonne-plus vehicles now seem to be the order of the day. They trundle past our window at tremendous speeds.

"There have been fewer accidents than you'd expect, but there have been a lot of near misses."

Mrs Hargreaves added: "Lowering the limit should ensure safety for pedestrians, especially children attending Steeton School.

"I also think 40mph would be a safer speed for the stretch between Utley and Steeton. This could encourage people who want to go faster to use the Aire Valley trunk road instead."

A Bradford Council spokesman told the Herald: "We are aware of the problems caused by the speed and volume of traffic on this stretch of road.

"We are proposing to extend the 30mph limit, which currently stops at East Parade, for a further third of a mile to take in Hawkcliffe Corner.

"Local residents, ward councillors and the emergency services have been fully consulted on the scheme and seem to welcome it.

"We are currently advertising the proposed speed limit order which will allow other members of the public to raise any objections. If none are received, then we hope to complete the work before the end of the year."

A Keighley police spokesman said the force's traffic department had received complaints about speeding at Hawkcliffe Corner.

Craven district councillor Andrew Mallinson, who lives close to the corner, added: "It is quite a dangerous bend and some cars do approach it very fast."

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16 August 2007    -    Parish council gets its wish as double yellow lines are installed

Long awaited parking restrictions have been installed at Steeton and Silsden Railway Station.

The parish council has battled for double yellow lines in Station Road for two years.

And in June the last remaining objection to the restrictions was overcome.

Parish councillor David Mullen said the real test of the waiting restrictions would be after the schools went back next month.

"I've been down once or twice and not seen anyone trying to park there. But really it's a false picture at the moment. People are on holiday, September will be the real test," he added.

The council wanted the restrictions to stop station users parking in Station Road and causing a potential hazard for emergency vehicles.

Because there was an objection to the scheme, further consultation was carried out with the public at a neighbourhood forum.

Officers considered two schemes for Station Road including one that provided 24 car-parking places and the chosen one that provided none.

A Bradford Council spokesman said: "The objection that was received in relation to this work was resolved at the Keighley Area Committee in June and we were then able to make a start and implement the traffic regulation order."

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16 August 2007    -    Roll up, roll up: Circus act in town

Youngsters from Steeton were given a glimpse of circus life at one of a number of summer park events.

Urban Circus Arts were at Steeton Recreation Ground to give children a chance to learn circus skills - as part of summer play activities organised by the Bradford Parks and Landscapes Service. Urban Circus Arts director Darryl Hacket was on hand to help teach the skills.

He said: "Basically it's all about having fun, letting children have a go at circus skills such as spinning plates and juggling with the diabolos and other items.

"People can pick up most of the stuff we do straightaway, depending on what level you want to take it to."

Children were also able to have a go at non-circus related activities in the park, such as rounders and cricket.

Andy Ross, events and development assistant for the Bradford Parks and Landscapes Service, said: "We do a number of park activities across the district all summer.

"We set up in a park between 12.30 and 4.30pm for two days."

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16 August 2007    -    Mum angry after son attacked

The mother of a 10-year-old boy born with a heart murmur has sworn she will never use Keighley Leisure Centre again after her son was attacked there.

Sandra Croad, of Steeton, claims that leisure centre staff did nothing to help her son after he was punched in the face and nothing to prevent the assault.

But Bradford Council said this week that action was taken as soon as the incident was brought to the attention of workers at the centre.

It is claimed that a group of four boys, aged between 10 and 12, walked into the leisure centre foyer and started to swear at Brendan Croad and his brother Aidan, 12. After Brendan asked them to stop swearing, he claims one boy stepped forward and punched him in the face, leaving him with a bruised and bloodshot eye. The youths are said to have entered the building after an altercation with two girls outside.

Mrs Croad said: "Brendan could not stop shaking when I picked him up. I knew there was something wrong straight away because his face was bright red. He got in the car and just burst out crying."

Brendan, a pupil at St Anne's Primary School, in Keighley, said: "When I got punched the woman from the gym asked me if I was all right. I said I just got punched' and she said oh right' and just walked off. Someone from the leisure centre called one of the boys over and asked what he had done but they just let him run away."

Mrs Croad said that when she arrived to pick up her sons, the receptionist didn't know anything of the attack, it hadn't been reported to the police and it hadn't been written in the leisure centre's incident book.

Mrs Croad said: "I think it's disgusting. It was the first time they were out on their own and they were feeling all grown up and then this happens on the leisure centre's premises where it is meant to be safe."

Mrs Croad had purchased two £20 leisure passes for her sons to visit the leisure centre an unlimited amount of time over the summer period, but she has now demanded a full refund.

Mrs Croad reported the incident to the police and took Brendan, a chronic asthmatic born with a heart murmur, to hospital, where he was given painkillers.

Steve Warner, Bradford Council's head of sport and leisure, said: "The boy who carried out the attack has been banned from Keighley Leisure Centre with immediate effect and a decision will be made shortly as to exactly how long his exclusion will remain in place. This was an isolated incident, the type of which we will not tolerate in and around our sports centres and pools."

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15 August 2007    -    Diesel spill causes traffic chaos

A diesel spillage has led to the closure of the Steeton roundabout on the Aire Valley trunk road.

Police said the fuel had leaked from a lorry.

A car skidded on the spillage and onto the roundabout, but no one was injured.

The road was shut at about 1.45pm this afternoon for the surface to be cleaned. Police were unable to say when it would reopen. Traffic diversions are in place.

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10 August 2007    -    Former mayoress dies

Alice Gertrude Brownbridge, widow of John Edward Brownbridge, died at Manorlands hospice in Oxenhope following a short struggle with cancer.

Her family was with her at the time.

Mrs Brownbridge, of Steeton, was a councillor on the old Keighley council - representing south ward - for three years.

She was committed to voluntary work at Airedale Hospital and sang with Keighley Amateurs.

One of her four daughters, Judy Cox, said: "She was a smart proud lady who will be missed and remembered by her family."

The great, great grandmother - who was mayoress in 1969 - was only diagnosed with cancer in April. Her husband died in 1980.

The couple visited Poix du Nord, Keighley's French twin town, as representatives of the town.

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9 August 2007    -    Villagers being terrorised by drag racing cars

Illegal "drag racing" is terrorising residents in Elmsley Street, Steeton.

The problem was brought to the attention of Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council last Wednesday after an innocent woman was struck by a vehicle. Cllr John Weller said at the meeting: "It was a dark hatchback saloon and we recorded the number plate.

"The police response was fantastic though. Three cars turned up very quickly. I couldn't fault them," he said.

The issue will be raised at the council's next police tasking meeting.

New Police Community Support Officer Daniel Williams will now be on the beat locally.

He trained in Wakefield before joining the Keighley division and will be operating in the Craven area.

Mr Williams said: "I'm keen to get to know the community and I'm looking forward to the role." Councillor John Hargreaves said: "I'm pleased we have got another man looking after us."

The council agreed to approach South Craven School to ascertain if there is any interest in starting up a youth council in the community.

The step is being taken after no positive response was given to the suggestion on a questionnaire.

Cllr Lorraine Harding said: "If some of them want facilities they are going to have to start talking.

"The councillors and the youths can start working together to see what we can do."

The council decided to give permission in principle for the transport working group to launch a press campaign to highlight the problems with disabled access at Steeton and Silsden Railway Station.

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19 July 2007    -    Councillor accused of abuse in parking row

A parish councillor verbally abused a disabled man during a row over a parking space, it is claimed.

Steeton with Eastburn parish councillor Gladys Emmott parked in a disabled-driver space outside Peter Shepherd's house in Elmsley Street, Steeton, while she and her husband visited a nearby shop. When Mr Shepherd inquired if she was a disabled badge holder he alleges he was verbally abused by the pair and threatened by Mr Emmott.

Mr Shepherd said: "I left it because it was raining but she took about 25 minutes. When she came back she was glaring at my cameras.

"I said to her do you have a disabled driver's badge in your car?' and her husband got out of the car and started threatening me. He was very aggressive - it was intimidating."

He caught the incident on CCTV cameras installed several years ago in response to anti-social behaviour in and around the street.

Mr Shepherd and his wife applied for the parking space outside their home as both have difficulty with mobility.

Mr Shepherd added: "They said I have not been working and I am a sponger on the state - I am actually retired.

"I was very annoyed she was listening to gossip. As a councillor she should know better than to listen to rumours.

"She kept on saying I was on holiday like that makes it all right. That space is for disabled people to use."

Parking on the street is restricted and has been a source of controversy in the past.

Councillor Emmott confirmed she had parked in the space and an altercation had followed. She said: "It was absolutely pouring down - there was nowhere else to park and I don't like getting my hair wet."

She claimed Mr Shepherd had four cars taking up space on the street.

She added: "I did mention it to the council and they said I should not have parked there."

A Bradford Council highways spokesman said: "Any blue badge holder can use this disabled parking space. Anyone else parking there could receive a fixed penalty ticket from the police as they are committing an offence."

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19 July 2007    -    Firm wins phone mast appeal

A mobile phone base station is to be built at Steeton after the plans were allowed on appeal.

Hutchinson 3G Ltd submitted an application to site the station, including a 15- metre-high-mast, at Tower Gate Farm, on Hollins Bank Lane.

However, the plan was turned down by Bradford Council in October last year after nearby residents and Steeton Primary School expressed concern about the possible risk to health.

But the development will now go ahead after a Government inspector said there was no evidence to suggest masts were harmful to health.

Planning inspector Jim Metcalf said the 15-metre monopole would be positioned between two trees and the equipment cabin close to an existing stone wall.

"The screening, combined with the rising hillside position, means that this installation would not form an unduly dominant feature in local views or seriously harm the character or appearance of the landscape on the south east side of Steeton," he reported.

Objectors put forward 18 other potential sites for the station, but all were ruled out.

Mr Metcalf said some were in relatively prominent positions, on important buildings, on sites where the mast would have to be intrusively high or where the site owners did not want the station.

Bradford Council had also argued that the monopole could be sited on an industrial estate, but Hutchinson said it would interfere with its site at Silsden Telephone Exchange. Mr Metcalf added that he appreciated there were fears of a possible health risk, but said emissions from the installation would accord with the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Guidelines (ICNRP).

"I know of nothing particular to the circumstances of the case that would lead me to depart from current guidance," he said.

"I conclude that the fear for health and wellbeing of residents is not a sufficient reason to reject the proposal."

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19 July 2007    -    Pupils lift way to top

A trio of South Craven School pupils have been forcing themselves through the pain barrier to achieve success in the Under 13 British Schools Championships.

The students, all members of their school weightlifting team, competed at Baverstock School, in Birmingham.

They were all coached by veteran Skipton-based weightlifter Melvyn Barton.

John Allen, a year seven pupil from Eastburn, who competed in the 56-kilo class, won his group and picked up the British Champion title in the process.

Daniel Lovell, of Sutton, who is also in year seven, put in a personal best performance in the 48-kilo class to come third in his group.

Year eight pupil James Heseltine, of Steeton, also achieved a personal best lift, finishing second in his group in the 56-kilo class.

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19 July 2007    -    Paper covers wall of names

A social club has reopened following an extensive refurbishment programme.

The Sailors and Soldiers Social Club, in High Street, Steeton, has raised more than £100 for Manorlands in the process.

Before new wallpaper was put up, some members paid £1 each for the privilege of signing the wall next to the club's bar.

The idea is that their names will be revealed a generation into the future, when the club is renovated again.

The latest month-long refurbishment included a revamped bar, new carpets and furniture.

"Members couldn't recognise the place when they first walked in," said club secretary Stuart Whiteoak.

"The club really is Steeton's best kept secret. It now has that wow factor', which is precisely the reaction from old and new members when they enter the premises."

The private club was founded in 1919, shortly after the end of the First World War. It now has about 300 members, who can enjoy club games such as snooker, darts and dominoes six days a week.

Mr Whiteoak said the premises would be hosting an elephant race night on the evening of August 11.

All proceeds from this event will be donated to Manorlands hospice.

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18 July 2007    -    Choir pays tribute to Doug

Male voice choir singers sang in memory of one of their youngest members.

Steeton Male Voice Choir joined forces with counterparts from Bristol for the memorial concert for window cleaner Doug Whyman, pictured, who was killed in an accident on the Aire Valley trunk road last October. The concert, at St Margaret's Church, Ilkley, was a great success.

The Steeton choir had just returned from a tour of South Wales, where it sang with Welsh choirs and gave a recital in the Millennium Centre in Cardiff.

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12 July 2007    -    Arrogant car drivers

Arrogant drivers are illegally travelling the wrong way up Chapel Road, in Steeton, putting at risk the lives of schoolchildren walking home, it is claimed.

For a second time the danger was brought to the attention of Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council, which originally put up a "no entry" sign to deter drivers.

But it appears that motorists are ignoring the warning and in a recent incident one jeopardised the lives of eight schoolchildren on their way home, it was claimed.

Cllr Sue Thompson, said: "We were shepherding children across the road when one car was coming up too fast the wrong way.

"When questioned about it he was very arrogant and just waved to us as he drove past.

"Just after that another car came and nearly had a head-on crash with someone driving the right way.

"In that incident the car in the wrong actually made the right car back up the road so he could get through."

Parents use Chapel Road to walk their children home because it is generally a safer route than using the busy main road.

But now it seems that Chapel Road is just as dangerous, because some drivers refuse to obey the rules.

"There is not much the council can do after we have put up the no entry sign, it is a matter for the highways department now," said Cllr Thompson.

"Something has to be done to stop these drivers before something more serious happens."

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June 2007    -    Parish Council Newsletter

28 June 2007    -    Ambitious plans for rail station

Ambitious plans to create extra parking at Steeton and Silsden railway station have been revealed.

And the plans, using land owned by Airedale Tree Surgeons (ATS) next to the station, would also see major improvements to one of the main entrances to Steeton.

Architect Roger Lambert, of JLR Architects, Bradford, said the plans were at a very early stage, but were possible with support from interested parties, such as Metro and Northern Rail.

Mr Lambert, who lives in Steeton, said the aim was to rid the village of the scourge of drivers abandoning their cars in roads around the station and also to improve the approach to the village.

"As a resident, I would not like to see Steeton lose the battle against the motor car. I would like to see some sort of urban tidiness," he said.

"The journey into Steeton could be much more attractive. At the moment, half of all the traffic and nearly all visitors come off the dual carriageway and they're faced with what looks like an American hick town, with cars parked on the grass and billboards. The whole thing needs a re-think."

Mr Lambert, who has discussed the plan with Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council, said he was keen to see if the ATS scheme could work.

"This idea has been floated by ATS and I was keen to offer a hand to see if it could work."

But he admitted the site of the proposed car park - close to the roundabout on the Aire Valley trunk road - had a difficult access.

"The access to the ATS site is close to the roundabout, which will take some very good engineering," he said.

One idea would be to use the existing access off Station Road, while another would be to create a one-way system by entering along the upgraded existing disabled access and exiting from the ATS site access.

Mr Lambert said he thought the second one-way option would be preferable.

"By upgrading the existing disabled access route for cars, a one-way system could be created for the station. Cars would come in off a roundabout on Station Road to a drop off and pick up point, with parking for people with disabilities. They would then either carry on to the ATS site where they could park their car or leave the site."

The idea would be to charge people to use the car park, which would have between 100 to 200 spaces. It would also be manned to prevent car crime.

Mr Lambert believes the scheme would cost in the region of £500,000, which would have to be partly financed by Metro and Northern Rail.

Talks with the planning office have revealed that nothing other than car parking would be considered - ruling out the possibility of a housing element in the plan, which could have helped towards the cost of the whole project.

Mr Lambert said he believed a source of funding could be available to improve disabled facilities at the station.

"My view is that the station does not comply with the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act)," he added.

He said the next step would be to talk to Metro and Northern Rail about possible funding.

Coun David Mullen, vice chairman of Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council, said the plan was a step in the right direction. But he believed simply providing more car parking spaces was not the answer to Steeton's traffic problems.

"We would like to see Metro carry out an audit to see where the cars come from," he added. "We understand that up to four people turn up in individual cars, they all park up in the car park and drive off in one car. They're using it as a free car park."

He believed charging at the car park would reduce the number of people using it.

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14 June 2007    -    David receives Football Association award for 50 years service

David Baxter was honoured for his services to football at Steeton AFC's presentation evening held at Steeton Hall Hotel.

He was presented with the coveted Football Association 50 Years Long Service medal by West Riding County FA representative Peter Marsden.

David started playing for Steeton in the 1940s. He played for the minors at 14 years old but was swiftly drafted into the seniors.

After his National Service, David went on to captain the successful first team in the 1950s and later followed this by becoming a committee member and joint first team manager before undertaking his current role as club president.

To this day he marks the pitch out every week, often seen riding his bike to the ground to do this, all at a youthful 72 years old!

He has dedicated his sporting life to Steeton Football Club and has played an important part in taking the club successfully through the local leagues in the early years, from the Keighley League, later to the Craven League, progressing into the West Riding County Amateur League through the divisions to the Premier in 2003.

In those earlier days he was influential in liaising with the local Parish Council to achieve improvements for the club. In the late 1960s he involved the local MP Joan Hall in a debate about sports grant funding to enable the club to relocate to their present site, which was taken to the then Minister for Sport, Idon Griffiths.

Despite being unsuccessful, David was one of the club members that took matters into their own hands, redeveloping the ground and building changing facilities through their own funding at Summerhill Lane.

David has also been involved significantly in fund raising for the club over the years, one of his trademarks was his raffling of a bottle of whiskey after each home match. He is still currently responsible for running a weekly raffle, "win a packet", at the club's headquarters, local pub The Goats Head.

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14 June 2007    -    Bungling drunks lend an air of deja vu

History almost repeated itself on Sunday for a local choir which had its tour coaches broken into 53 years ago.

Two men in Caerphilly, Wales, targeted a coach being used by Steeton Male Voice Choir, shortly after they had sung Ilkla' Moor Baht 'At.

In 1954, this same choir, then called the Steeton Male Glee Union, had its coaches broken into and ransacked, also during a performance in Wales of Ilkla' Moor Baht 'At. Peter Lofts, 69, the choir's archivist, said this was a remarkable coincidence.

"To have this happen again in Wales within minutes of us singing the same song was quite bizarre," he said. He said the choir had been performing at St Helen's Roman Catholic Church, alongside the Welsh Aber Valley Male Voice Choir. Master of Ceremonies, Len Wilson then described to the audience what happened when the choir sang this in the Welsh seaside resort town of Rhyl in 1954.

Dr Lofts, of Cross Hills, said: "He told them that as the choir was singing, its coaches parked outside were broken into. The press later reported the choir went home not only baht 'at but baht wallets, baht coats and baht a few other things'." He said choir members discovered that while Mr Wilson was telling the audience about the 1954 theft, two young men had tried to break into one of their coaches outside.

According to Dr Lofts, the 21st century offenders were "quite drunk" and not as competent as their 1950s counterparts. He said: "They smashed the window on the door but one of them then cut his hand quite badly on the glass. Someone spotted them and the police caught them both."

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12 June 2007    -    Anger over playing fields plan

Angry residents turned out to voice their concerns over plans to develop Eastburn playing fields.

Speaking at the start of Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council's latest meeting, residents who live near the fields complained that they had not been informed about the plans, which they said would have a real impact on their lives.

One resident said: "I feel that where issues relating to the playing fields are concerned people who live adjoining the site should be consulted."

He added that for the last two years the site had been plagued by young people drinking and swearing throughout the night and setting up camp in the field.

He said: "If you were to put something like this in our area our lives would be made intolerable."

Ideas to transform the fields so far include a trials bike park, installing new play equipment and planting more trees.

Cllr Dianne Lear, who is part of the Eastburn playing fields steering committee, said that at a recent site meeting the committee had decided residents should be consulted. But she said that they could not be consulted until formal plans had been drawn up.

The next steering group meeting is on Tuesday (June 19), when children from East-burn Junior and Infants School will show their ideas for what they would like to see at the playing fields.

Residents will be consulted over whether they want a seat at the top of Green Lane in Eastburn.

The decision to consult residents, at the next neighbour-hood forum meeting, was taken after one resident complained that the seat would be a place for drug users to congregate.

The resident, who was pre-sent at the meeting, said that his life and the lives of others in Green Lane had been made a misery by youths and drug users, who met at the top of the lane.

The idea to reinstate the seat, which has not been there for over 15 years, was put forward by elderly residents and walkers, who said it would be nice to have somewhere to sit.

Cllr John Hargreaves said a seat could not be installed until a boat at the top of Green Lane was moved, but the owner of the boat, who was at the meeting, said it was legally parked.

The crime figures for April were revealed at the meeting.

There was one incident of burglary, one of vehicle crime, nine of youth nuisance, eight incidents of anti-social behaviour and two of criminal damage.

The council is to write to the police chief superintendent of Keighley to ask if policing in the two villages can be increased.

The idea came after councillors listened to a complaint from one resident, in letter form, who expressed her concerns over vandalism problems at Keighley Road recreation ground.

Cllr Hargreaves said that there was not enough policing in Steeton and Eastburn.

A number of tickets have been issued by police to drivers parked illegally in Steeton.

Cllr Pam Blagden, who attended a recent police tasking meeting, said that police had visited problem areas, including Elmsley Street, to catch culprits.

Members agreed to invite the manager of The Willows Nursing Centre to the next meeting.

The idea came after councillors talked of how some residents of the centre were causing problems in Steeton, with one woman regularly seen drinking and even exposing herself.

Cllr Hilda Townend said she had already spoken to the manager of the centre who had suggested that he come to the next meeting of the parish council and try and work with the members.

She added that the centre was going to shadow the one woman who was going about Steeton.

A decision to defer plans to request a 20mph speed limit for Eastburn was made at the meeting.

Councillors agreed that be-fore they made a request to the highways department they should put the idea forward to the residents at the next neighbourhood forum.

Cllr Dianne Lear said she knew a lot of people who didn't want the speed limit imposed, but added that the school and other residents might want the 20mph limit.

A Parish Plan questionnaire sent out to residents has received around a 25 per cent response.

Cllr David Mullen said this was a high percentage rate compared to other councils.

The council has now also met all the criteria for achieving quality status. The clerk is to put together a portfolio of evidence in preparation for applying for the special accolade.

A grant for £50 has been given by the council in support of the Flower Club Flower Festival.

The three-day flower festival, from June 29 to July 1, will be at St Stephen's Church, Steeton.

Cllr Lorraine Harding said it was worth more groups applying for similar grants.

A sign is to be placed on the cemetery gates in Steeton to inform people of the opening times.

Members agreed to request that a sign be put up, after a man told a councillor he had been sad to find the gates closed when he went to visit the grave of his late wife.

Cllr John Weller, who often tends to the cemetery, said it was important that people knew the opening hours as he and others who looked after it could not be there at all times.

A suggestion to set up a gardening scheme to help elderly people tend to their gardens was brought up at the meeting.

Councillors agreed that it would be a good idea to look into a scheme to help the elderly.

Cllr David Mullen said that Keighley Volunteer Bureau al-ready had certain schemes in place. He said some elderly people just needed simple things doing like grass cutting.

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31 May 2007    -    Double travel trouble

Parking restrictions outside Steeton and Silsden Railway Station have been delayed because of one objection.

In an attempt to stop parking problems in Station Road, Bradford Council had agreed to install double yellow lines. But after advertising its intentions, the scheme was opposed by one resident.

Keighley Area Panel will decide what to do at its meeting on June 21.

Plans to de-trunk the A629 and pass over control to local authorities have been delayed for "issues" to be ironed out.

The Highways Agency said this week that it was unable to give a date when the road would be passed over to North Yorkshire County Council and Bradford Council.

Meanwhile, Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council has withdrawn its objection to the plan.

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31 May 2007    -    Hidden history inspires festival

A Chance discovery of some antique lace has inspired a flower festival at a Steeton church.

Members of St Stephen's Methodist Church discovered the large bag of linen and lace hidden away.

They believe the decorative cloth originally draped the altar and could date back to when the church was built 125 years ago.

Now, the material has inspired a flower festival which will run at the church from Friday June 29 to Sunday July 1.

It will also include a concert and garden party.

Church member Janet Smithies, who is also a member of Steeton Flower Club which is organising the event, said it was believed the lace had been stored by the church's former vicar.

"The church is 125-years-old this year and we believe some of it dates back to that time," she said.

"Some of it would have been used to decorate the altar. It's very interesting because today, a lot of the altar dressings are very minimal and this is very decorative."

Mrs Smithies took the material to the Craven Lacemakers Guild where it was found to be hand crocheted lace and not bobbin lace. The lace is decorated with religious symbols and would probably have been made by members of the church.

"It's nice to celebrate the fact that we've got it, but it will probably be stored away again afterwards," added Mrs Smithies.

Called Lilies, Linen and Lace, the festival will include a preview on Friday June 29, which will be opened at 7.30pm by the chairman of Yorkshire in Bloom, Maurice Baren.

There will be a garden party on the Saturday, from 2pm to 4pm, featuring a demonstration on lace- making, stalls and the Salvation Army Community Band. The May School of Dance and soprano Beverley Shuttleworth will present a concert in the evening from 7pm.

And on the Sunday, there will be a morning service at 10am and a Songs of Praise service with guest choir, the Holme Singers, at 6pm.

The festival will conclude with an auction of flowers.

Tickets for Friday's preview cost £5, including wine, and tickets for the concert cost £5 for adults and £2.50 for concessions.

For more information, contact 01535 216475 or 01535 271089.

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24 May 2007    -    Harding remains chairman of council

Councillor Lorraine Harding has been re-elected chairman of Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council.

At the same meeting Cllr David Mullen was elected as vice-chairman.

New councillor Su Thompson has taken over from Rita Budimir.

A new sign is to be put up at the football ground.

Members voted to have only the one sign put up, instead of the two suggested last month, which will say "The Doris Wells Memorial Ground". The sign is to replace one that was vandalised.

The crime figures for March were revealed at the meeting.

There were two incidents of criminal damage, nine of anti-social behaviour, five of youth nuisance and one incident of vehicle crime. There were no incidents of violent crime or burglary.

Police have suggested councillors talk to the owners of the village café to ask about the problem of large lorries heading through Steeton. The suggestion was made at a recent Police Tasking Meeting.

Speed Watch is coming back to Steeton to catch speeding motorists.

The sessions will be held between 4.30-5.30pm in Keighley Road and High Street.

Cllr John Weller expressed his concerns about problems in Elmsley Street, Steeton.

He said two cars had been damaged and that items were going missing.

A trials bike park is to be considered as part of plans to develop Eastburn playing fields.

Councillors agreed to consider the bike park after hearing from Cllr Dianne Lear about young rider Shelley Smith's input at a recent steering group meeting. Cllr Lear said: "She seems to have it all planned and she had gone to a lot of trouble."

Shelley, 15, was asked by the council to be part of the steering group.

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17 May 2007    -    Sex-case gaffe

A case against a Keighley man facing a string of sex offences has collapsed - because police failed to hold a prompt identity parade.

This week a caring dad - whose "detective" work led to the man being arrested - told of his shock at the case being dropped.

The suspect, aged 32, had been charged with six counts of exposing himself to young girls.

The Steeton dad, a 40-year-old sales manager from Steeton, whose name is being withheld to protect his daughter's identity, said: "I'm completely enraged. It's beyond my comprehension how this could have happened."

He said last October his daughter, who was ten at the time, was riding her scooter with a friend on a road near her home.

They noticed a man slowly driving after them in a car, so turned into a snicket to avoid him. When they emerged out the other end the motorist was there waiting, watching them from his car.

The father's frightened daughter ran home and told him what happened. He took her out in his car to find the man and she soon spotted him and pointed him out.

He tailed the man's vehicle and got a description and a registration number, which he passed on to police that same afternoon. He said the local press had featured several instances of indecent exposure, in Craven and Keighley, all committed by a man matching the description of the person who followed his daughter.

He said when he reported these to the North Yorkshire crime desk, he was initially told it was a West Yorkshire Police responsibility.

On another occasion he was told by North Yorkshire Police that they did not know about some incidents in West Yorkshire, because their computer system was incompatible with that used by the neighbouring police force.

He said later in October, the North Yorkshire Victim and Witness Information Partnership contacted him to confirm a man had been charged with indecent exposure offences.

He added he was told the details he provided about the man his daughter encountered gave police the information they needed to arrest him for other crimes.

However, when he called the partnership for an update on the case earlier this week, he discovered it had been dropped.

He said he was told the judge refused to take it further because police had not staged an identity parade soon enough.

This man has got off scot-free due to complete incompetence. I can't get my head round it," he said. A spokesman for the Crown Prosecution Service said: "An identity parade was not held as part of the initial investigation, however this evidence was requested by the judge when the case was heard in Crown Court.

"Unfortunately, due to the length of time that had passed since the alleged offences were committed, it was not possible to secure a positive identification which was reliable enough to ensure a realistic prospect of conviction by a Crown Court jury.

"We sympathise with the distress caused to the victims and their families as a result of the case being discontinued and our aim is to prosecute all sexual offences robustly and effectively where possible."

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10 May 2007    -    Family affair to say thanks for baby's life

Steeton mum Karen Jackson tackled the Skipton Triathlon as a thank you to the hospital which saved her baby's life.

Katie Jackson was just a day old in November when she was transferred from Airedale Hospital to Leeds General Infirmary to repair a hole in her heart.

Surgeons carried out an operation when she was just seven weeks old and are confident that the small remaining hole will repair itself in time. Now, just over five months later, Katie is off all medication and is a healthy little girl.

Mum Karen, 28, said she wanted to thank the hospital and raise money for its Children's Heart Surgery Fund.

And together with husband Mark Jackson, 33, brother Andrew Hunter, 30, her brother's girlfriend Rachel Gray, 25, and friends, Paul Swanson, 30, and Mark Kinsella, 32, she tackled the Skipton Triathlon.

"My husband, Rachel and I did it as a team. I swam 400 metres, Mark cycled 20 kilometres and Rachel ran five kilometres, but the other three did all three events," she said.

The action was centred on Aireville Park, with runners doing three laps of the park and cyclists leaving the park and taking in Thornton-in-Craven.

Karen, who shrugged off a caesarean birth to take part in the competition, trained just once before the event.

"I used to be a member of a swimming club, but I did train just once before taking part. It was quite tough. I did manage it in just over seven minutes," she said. Her brother and friends Paul and Mark took part in all three disciplines and are keen to take part next year.

"My brother did do some training and is keen to do it again, but it was hard, they had to get straight out of the pool, run through the park and then get on their bicycles," she said.

Karen added that her family was indebted to the surgeons at the LGI and thanked all the people who sponsored her team.

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10 May 2007    -    Bouncing May Day fun

A May Day fun day in Steeton pulled in the crowds.

Monday's event, at St Stephen's Church, saw around 200 people come together to take part in a variety of games, competitions and a "pet and toy trail" around the village.

Games included skittles, "keep upee" - where children had to see how long they could keep a football in the air - various puzzles, cards and space hopper bouncing fun.

There was also face painting and a display of hand-drawn plates children had produced.

Organiser Barbara Marsh said: "It went very well. We had 54 families entering the competition to go around on the trail and we sold out on the tombola!

"It did stay dry for us and it was lovely to see all the families enjoying themselves together."

Preparations for next year's village fun day will begin in December and it is hoped it will get as good a turn out.

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9 May 2007    -    Concert in memory of Gil Davies

Steeton Male Voice Choir will be giving a concert in St Peter's Church, Addingham on Saturday, June 2, at 7.30pm in memory of Ilkley resident Gil Davies.

Mr Davies was a member of Steeton Male Voice Choir for many years, including a term of office as chairman. He was also a lay reader at St Peter's, Addingham, for the last three years of his life before his sudden death in 2005.

All the proceeds will be given to The Living Waters Appeal, a project launched by the Bishop of Bradford to make new wells and provide clean water to the areas of Pakistan still devastated by the earthquake in 2005.

Tickets cost £5 and are available in advance by calling (01943) 817602. If there are any tickets left on the day they will also be available on the door.

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3 May 2007    -    Mavis moves to St Stephen’s

An experienced youth and community worker is to be the new priest in charge of St Stephen's Church, Steeton.

The Rev Mavis Nevill - who is due to be officially licensed by the Bishop of Bradford, the Right Rev David James, next month - was a senior community education officer in Calderdale.

She said: "I am pleased to have this opportunity to have another parish to love and enthuse.

"The St Stephen's congregation is active and hard working and I look forward to working with folk there to make our worship meaningful and the best it can be, and to reach out to the wider community."

Mrs Nevill, who will be moving into Steeton Vicarage with her husband, Gordon, a lay reader, spent her working life in youth and community work before taking early retirement.

While working in Calderdale, she spent four years as a non-stipendiary curate at Christ Church, Pellon, and after retiring, five years as a non-stipendiary priest in charge in Mixenden, Halifax.

"Mobility problems forced me to retire from Mixenden but following two successful operations, I have gradually been able to return to an active ministry," she said.

Mrs Nevill, who is originally from London, said she was looking forward to the church's three-day flower festival, from Friday, June 29.

And she believed the newly refurbished church hall offered many possibilities.

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3 May 2007    -    Family's sporting effort for hospital

New mum Karen Jackson tackled the Skipton Triathlon as a thank you to the hospital which saved her baby's life.

Katie Jackson was just a day old in November when she was transferred from Airedale Hospital to Leeds General Infirmary to repair a hole in her heart. Surgeons carried out an operation when she was seven weeks old and are confident the small remaining hole will repair itself in time.

Now, just over five months later, Katie is off all medication and is a healthy little girl.

Mum Karen, 28, from Steeton, said she wanted to thank the hospital and raise money for its Children's Heart Surgery Fund.

She tackled Sunday's triathlon, which was centred on Aireville Park, with her husband Mark, brother Andrew Hunter, his girlfriend Rachel Gray and friends Paul Swanson and Mark Kinsella.

"My husband, Rachel and I did it as a team. I swam 400 metres, Mark cycled 20km and Rachel ran five kilometres, but the other three did all three events," said Karen. "It was quite tough. I did manage it in just over seven minutes, but I don't think I'll be doing it again! My brother did do some training and is keen to do it again, but it was hard. They had to get straight out of the pool, run through the park and then get on their bicycles."

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30 April 2007    -    ‘Best year yet’ for the Factory Shop

A retailer is eyeing up expansion after another bumper year of trading.

The Original Factory Shop, based at Steeton's Millennium Business Park, near Keighley, boosted profits by 28 per cent in the year ended March 31 - its strongest year to date.
The budget retailer of clothes, toiletries and electrical goods, grew its turnover by 14.4 per cent to £60.5 million and has pledged to invest £10 million into a three year expansion programme for the chain.

The Original Factory Shop opens outlets in smaller towns with limited retail markets.

It offers discounted goods and lines which have been discontinued by other retailers.

Chief executive George Foster said: "We operate in a niche market. We go into little towns where other retailers have given up and steer away from big towns, although we do not mind going up against supermarkets. Increasing traffic congestion helps us a lot with people opting to stay in their towns to shop rather than face long queues to get into bigger places."

The Original Factory Shop operates from 72 stores nationwide and intends to open at least a further ten this year.

It employs 1,200 people, including 100 at its Steeton base.

The chain has enjoyed success for the past few years and underwent a management buyout from its top executives in 2004 as part of a multi-million deal.

Mr Foster said: "The company had been doing very well up to that point and what we are seeing now is essentially a continuation of a four year period of really good trading."

With the UK retail climate remaining uncertain in the face of internet shopping and increased supermarket dominance, the Original Factory Shop has continued its progress smoothly.

"The retail trade has changed a great deal compared with three or four years ago.

"It has become more polarised with less middle ground between the winners and losers.

"On one hand the likes of Tesco and us are continuing to do well but there seems to have been more profit warnings this year than there has been for years.

"We have not seen any real impact from internet competition but there may come a time when it comes under consideration from us."

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26 April 2007    -    Woman is killed on trunk road

A woman died after being hit by a car while in the middle of the Aire Valley trunk road late on Tuesday night.

Police are seeking the identity of the woman following the 11pm accident between the Steeton/Silsden and Kildwick roundabouts.

A police spokesman said she was in collision with a red Saab travelling towards Skipton and pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics.

The woman is described as being of mixed race or possibly Afro-Caribbean, about 40 years old, and 5ft 3in tall.

She had distinctive tattoos, brown eyes and short black hair, with grey streaks.

Anyone who saw the accident, or the woman beforehand, or can identify the woman, should phone Keighley police on 01535 617059.

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19 April 2007    -    Teenage girl, 15, joins council

A young trials-bike rider from Eastburn is to be invited by Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council to join a committee to help with plans for Eastburn playing fields.

Shelley Smith, 15, attended a neighbourhood forum last month to ask for the help of residents and councillors to find a safe place for her and her fellow trials bikers to ride.

Councillors felt that Shelley should be consulted as to whether she would like to join the committee, which would look at ways of developing the project at the playing fields.

It was suggested at the forum meeting that a trials bike park could be included in the plans, which are set to include installing new play equipment and planting more trees.

Cllr David Mullen said: "If we have got a youngster interested then we should keep them on side." Other committee members are set to include the three Eastburn councillors, a representative of the police, a youth worker and a representative from Eastburn Junior and Infants School.

A financial agreement over orders to de-trunk part of the A629 road has caused concern amongst councillors.

The agreement - made between Bradford Council and the Highways Agency - was highlighted in a letter to councillors following their objections in January towards the plans.

Members said they feared Bradford Council, which is to take over the responsibility of the road from the Highways Agency, would not spend money on it.

Cllr David Mullen said: "I can see that this will become a money issue for Bradford Council again. The de-trunked road will need repairing and it won't get done."

The council agreed that it should write to Bradford Council to ask that the money be used specifically to maintain that part of the Aire Valley trunk road.

Two roads both named Park Way are causing confusion in Steeton.

Councillor John Weller brought up the issue at the meeting when he said a resident had been left waiting for an ambulance that had gone to the wrong Park Way.

He said the resident had asked him if anything could be done about changing the name of one of the roads. Cllr Lorraine Harding said the council would think on what could be done.

A call to invite the new divisional commander of Keighley Police to a future meeting was put forward by one councillor.

Councillor John Hargreaves suggested the parish council invites Chief Superintendent Eileen Bancroft to a meeting to question her over the lack of policing in the area.

An increased number of articulated lorries are heading through Steeton, say councillors.

Councillor David Mullen said he had seen more lorries, with three-axle trailers, heading through the centre of the village, when they should be using the by-pass.

Chairmen Cllr Lorraine Harding said it could be the satellite navigation devices that were bringing them along the old road from Keighley and through the village.

District councillor Andrew Mallinson could be asked to stand down as chairman of the Joint Transport Working Group.

The suggestion came from fellow district councillor Adrian Naylor, following reports that the working group had not met since October. The working group, which is made up of Silsden town councillors and Steeton-with-Eastburn parish councillors, is planning to meet next month.

Two new signs are to be put up at the football ground in Steeton.

The signs, which are set to cost the council £300, are to replace a sign that was vandalised. One will be a no dog fouling' sign and the other will say The Doris Wells Memorial Ground'.

The annual parish meeting will be on Wednesday, April 25 at the Steeton bowling pavilion.

Councillors have expressed their concerns over the height of a bungalow that could be built in Steeton if plans are passed.

The bungalow, which councillors noted was in fact a two-storey bungalow', would stand in place of an existing barn that could be demolished at Hilltop, in High Street.

Members agreed that they ultimately supported the plans, but had concerns about the height.

A question on the parish plan aimed at young people could be the key to forming a youth council.

Young people will be asked if they are interested in having a youth council and councillors are to wait until they get the replies before making a decision.

The parish plan, which is being delivered throughout Steeton and Eastburn, will help councillors to discover a local vision for the future of the villages. Deadline for returns is May 11.

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19 April 2007    -    Green light for health trust bid

Airedale NHS Trust has moved a step closer to achieving foundation status after the Department of Health gave it the green light to formally apply to become a foundation trust.

Work is now beginning on Airedale's application, including a three-month consultation with public, patients and staff of Airedale General Hospital, near Steeton, starting on Monday.

The consultation Your Hospital in Your Hands will ask people for their views on the trust's plans for the future and on how the trust should be run as a foundation trust.

Bradford Teaching Hospitals became a foundation trust in the first wave of applications in 2004 and Airedale is now hoping to join the ranks of the other 62 NHS trusts nationally which are now foundation trusts.

Foundation trusts are still part of the NHS but are run by a local management team, free from central government control.

This enables them to work with local communities to make vital decisions about healthcare to meet the needs of that community.

The public can join as members and have a say in how the hospital is run, can be the first to know about new services, will be invited to open days and can stand for election to be a public member on a new membership council, representing the area where they live.

Foundation status also brings with it financial freedoms, including the ability to build up and re-invest money in developing new services.

Adam Cairns, chief executive of Airedale NHS Trust, said: "Only the best-performing hospitals are eligible to apply for foundation trust status and this is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all our staff."

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19 April 2007    -    Back Chat

I don't know about everyone out there, but this sports editor is all geared up for the local cricket season, which starts this weekend.

On Sunday, I had the pleasure of spending a day out in the glorious sunshine at Keighley Cricket Club.

The Lawkholme Lane side played Steeton Cricket Club in a friendly that was well contested by the two sides.

Keighley stalwart Richard Robinson, who is also the club's groundsman, opened the batting by putting on a fine knock of 77.

Keighley gave many of its youngsters a chance, and the Division Two Bradford side scored more than 180 runs.

But then Steeton skipper Gary Boulton's men showed that they will be a force to be reckoned with in the top division of the Aire-Wharfe League.

They only came up about 15 runs short of Keighley's total and were not bowled out.

In a chat with Boulton as Steeton came to bat, he said he hopes his side do not have a hangover from last season when, after leading the league for much of the season they collapsed in the final weeks and lost the title to Kirkstall Educational.

The death knell for Steeton's challenge, Boulton says, was a full-page spread on the club's title chase that was featured in the Telegraph & Argus.

After that feature appeared, Steeton did not win again!

"That was the kiss of death," joked Boulton.

But the club should be in for a few more headlines this season.

The club's new overseas player is Hagan Shakespeare, a top order left-handed batsman and medium pace bowler.

With a wonderful name like that, I'm already trying to think of some good headlines for games where he is very influential.

Boulton even said he has heard rumours that Hagan's middle name is William.

"I think that's going to have to be his nickname," Boulton remarked.

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19 April 2007    -    Hospital to get one-way system

A partial one-way system is to be introduced at Airedale General Hospital, Steeton, to make traffic movement safer and easier.

It is expected to become operational between the accident and emergency car park and the day hospital for the elderly - in the direction of the day hospital - from Monday.

All three bus stops within the grounds will be changed to the opposite side of the road.

A hospital spokesman said: "The advantages are that large vehicles will have safer and easier access and there will be improved safety and convenience for patients, visitors and staff.

"People will no longer have to cross the road to get to the bus stops."

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April 2007    -    Parish Council Newsletter

29 March 2007    -    Farm can be a dog parlour

Planners have given the go-ahead for an agricultural building at a Steeton farm to be converted into a dog grooming parlour and shop.

Last Thursday's meeting of the Keighley Area Planning Panel accepted that the development at Redcar Wood Farm in Redcar Lane would not harm the neighbourhood.

Residents who opposed the proposals complained there would be pollution of the water supply and increased traffic and that the development would undermine the area's rural character.

Their objection letters also cited fears over nuisance from barking dogs and argued the district already had plenty of dog grooming centres.

Planning officer Annette Middlemass explained the building currently comprised offices and a barn.

She said changing its use would allow the farm to diversify its means of income, enabling it to remain commercially viable.

She said the farm's survival would help preserve the greenbelt, not destroy it. She added there would be little extra traffic, as there would be no more than six dogs a day being treated at the parlour.

David Craig, the agent speaking on behalf of the applicants, said his clients were willing to comply with access restrictions to the property to minimise disruption to their neighbours.

Councillor Lynne Joyce said she had no problem with the application, as it would not have a negative impact on the area. She said she recognised how hard it was to generate extra business in the countryside without spoiling the appearance of the scenery.

The panel voted in favour of the proposals, imposing conditions to regulate vehicle access, opening hours and noise levels.

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22 March 2007    -    Youngsters in bike plea

Young cyclists have made an impassioned plea for a safe place to ride.

They attended a Steeton neighbourhood forum meeting to present their case. Shelley Smith, 15, of Eastburn, standing alongside her fellow trials bikers, read out a speech she had prepared before the meeting asking for the help of residents and councillors.

The youngster had emailed Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council asking if she could address the meeting, at Steeton Methodist Chapel.

Shelley, a pupil at South Craven School, said: "We ask the council to work with us to secure somewhere to build a trials bike park and we ask that the riders help to design the park."

She said they had nowhere safe to ride and had resorted to practising on walls in the village to develop their skills.

Councillor Lorraine Harding - who was at the meeting - said ways of developing Eastburn playing fields were currently being examined and the inclusion of a trials bike park would be considered.

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22 March 2007    -    Improving kerbside collections

Recycling was among the issues discussed at a Steeton neighbourhood forum meeting.

Around 50 residents had attended the meeting to find out more about recycling and also to suggest how the current kerbside collection system might be improved.

The recycling manager for Bradford Council, Ian Quigley, and the general manager of Aire Valley Recycling, Richard Topham, gave presentations and residents could ask questions.

Parish councillor David Mullen asked Mr Topham if Stockbridge-based Aire Valley Recycling could take over from Bradford Council in the whole of Steeton and Eastburn.

But Mr Topham said it simply did not have the funds to do so and unless the council was willing to contribute to the scheme then it could not afford to cover the whole of Steeton.

Residents also raised a number of issues regarding problems with parking and speeding motorists in the village.

Coppy Road and Barrows Lane were two of the problem areas highlighted by residents.

One Coppy Road resident said that the grass verges had been churned up because vehicles were failing to keep to the road and another resident said Barrows Lane was plagued by speeding motorists.

PCSO Andrew Blood said he was aware of the problem in Barrows Lane. He said there was also a problem with parking outside Steeton Primary School at school leaving time.

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15 March 2007    -    Councillors were ‘not impressed'

Steeton-with Eastburn Parish Councillors who visited Silsden Youth Council were left unimpressed.

Cllr John Hargreaves and Cllr John Weller, who were invited to attend the youth council by Silsden town councillor Pat Bottomley, said that overall they didn't get a good impression.

Cllr Hargreaves said that only three members were in attendance and Cllr Weller added that only the chairman and vice-chairman seemed to know what they were doing.

Cllr Weller said: "To my mind it doesn't seem to be much of a growing concern."

But PCSO Lawrence Walton, who was present at the meeting and is a Silsden town councillor, argued that this was unusual for a meeting that was usually full of young people.

Councillors agreed it might be best to invite the chairman of the youth council to a future meeting.

A new volunteer has been recruited to join the police Speedwatch scheme in Steeton.

The resident, who lives in High Street, will help to tackle the problem of speeding motorists, which councillors agreed was rife in High Street and Barrows Lane.

A grant for £2,000 has been assigned to a budget for youth issues. The grant, from the Area Co-ordinator's office, will be for use in the next financial year.

A new door for disabled access to the bowling pavilion in Steeton is in the pipeline. Future plans for the pavilion are to include improving the toilet facilities.

Parish councillors are now officially the trustees of Eastburn playing fields.

Following talks with the Charity Commission the responsibility was given to councillors who have now taken over from the original board of trustees.

The parish council plans to transform the field, with ideas for the site including installing new play equipment, introducing a wildflower meadow and planting more trees.

The estimated cost of transforming the field is set to reach £178,750. A donation of £50 has already been put forward by Steeton Methodist Church youth club.

The parish council is to invite the leader of Bradford Council, Councillor Kris Hopkins, to a future meeting.

The suggestion was made by Bradford district councillor Michael Kelly.

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1 March 2007    -    Youngsters going up the wall

Going up the wall in Steeton this weekend are these youngsters from the cast of Humpty Dumpty.

Members of 1st Stage theatre group, who all come from the village, present the show at St Stephen's Church Hall.

The show is staged tomorrow and Saturday, at 7pm, and Saturday at 2.30pm. Tickets cost £4 for adults and £2 for children, from Julie and Joanne's hairdressers, or by phoning 01535 653363 or 653010.

Picture shows: Sophie Laycock, Leah Heseltine, Kirsty Stokes, Alison Briggs, Kate Barton, Brianna Haunch-Smith

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1 March 2007    -    Learn about recycling!

Residents in Steeton and Eastburn are invited to find out more about recycling at the next neighbourhood forum meeting.

The meeting, at Steeton Methodist Chapel on Tuesday is a chance for residents to have their say about local issues, with recycling high on the agenda.

Anyone unable to attend the meeting can share their comments by contacting Bradford Council on 01274 431000 or by emailing

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1 March 2007    -   Road battle is finally over

Residents have won a long running battle - fought out through two court hearings - to get their muck road surfaced.

Work can now go ahead to lay a proper roadway in Summerhill Avenue and Summerhill Drive, Steeton, after a tribunal of magistrates ruled in Bradford Council's favour.

The decision followed a four-hour hearing at Bingley - the second within a year - and ends a five-year ordeal for residents.

The project was stalled because a minority of the residents in the 37 homes objected to the "unfairness" of the costs, which ranged from a few hundred pounds to several thousand.

It has meant the price for carrying out the work has crept up from an original estimate of £64,000 to more than £70,000.

The campaign to get the road adopted was launched by Simon Bridge, 40, who lives with his wife, Alison, and three children in Summerhill Avenue.

The Bridge family's contribution to the cost is the highest at £4,387.

He said: "The decision is a great relief. It means we don't have to endure another winter negotiating the potholes and the mud.

"The children trail the muck in the house and they trip and fall in it. The road is a quagmire in winter and a dust bowl in summer."

He praised Bradford Council for persevering with the project despite the hurdles of the court cases and was now looking forward to the road being made up as soon as possible.

Mrs Bridge said: "I feel the apportionment is fair because we have a much bigger boundary than others." There were elderly people who did not have cars but were fearful of going out, especially in winter because of the uneven surface, she added.

Leading the objectors was electrician Ian Townley, of Summerhill Drive, who said he was disappointed with the decision. He is expected to pay about £3,000.

"I'm not against the road being made-up, just against the unfairness in the way the cost has been proportioned.

"We have been asked to pay too much. Our part of Summerhill Drive has been kept up with and is in better condition than lower down," he said.

Geoff Marsh, City Hall's principal engineer, said the council could now proceed to adopt the roads.

"We will now finalise the detailed drawings for the scheme and then invite contractors to tender for the work," he said. "We will also arrange for the street lighting to be installed and the service connections made by Yorkshire Electricity before the roadworks start.

"We expect the works to be completed this summer.

"The residents have all been given estimates of their individual costs but it is not possible to say how much they will have to pay until the works have been carried out and the actual costs established."

The original tribunal was held in March last year, but magistrates adjourned making a decision until another consultation had been held with residents in case some of the original home owners had since left.

Bradford Council needed to get a minimum of 80 per cent of the residents in favour of the work.

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1 March 2007    -   Centenarian Nora is a "purler" for charity

Glusburn woman Nora Adams Clarkson is still knitting baby garments for charity - despite turning 100.

Mrs Clarkson is a keen fundraiser for Manorlands hospice and cancer charities and is still doing her bit for worthy causes. Born in Lincolnshire, in February 1907, she was one of nine children and, as the second eldest, she used to help look after her younger siblings.

She lived in various parts of Bradford and Leeds before moving to stay with relatives in Steeton. She met her future husband, Harry Clarkson, when they worked together at the village's Clough Mill.

He was a Rover Scout and Nora and a few other women went to Scout camps and cooked meals for them. She remembers travelling on the back of an open lorry, with the stoves.

The couple both rode bicycles, then a tandem and eventually progressed to a motorbike and sidecar. They were married at Steeton Parish Church, on May 14, 1932, and had two daughters, Ruby, who was born in 1937 and has since died, and Margaret, who was born in 1944.

The couple ran a shop at Steeton Top during the Second World War, before moving to Silsden and later to Sutton, where Harry began work at Hartleys Mill.

Mrs Clarkson has also knitted all her life and still knits baby garments for charity shops. And she used to make tab rugs from old garments and wools.

Mrs Clarkson, who lives in Glusburn, celebrated her 100th birthday with a visit from Craven District Council chairman David Ireton.

She has been a widow for 27 years and has nine grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren.

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27 February 2007    -   Building a better world

People are invited to learn from one of Britain's greatest social reformers, William Wilberforce, by attending a five-session course at Steeton Methodist Church.

The first session starts on Friday at 7.30pm and will finish at 8.45pm. Methodist minister Rev Alan Raine will be leading the course.

The course is entitled "Can we build a better world? - learning from William Wilberforce", and has a variety of contributions from people including Rev Dr Leslie Griffiths, actress Wendy Craig and Archbishop John Sentamu.

Anyone is welcome to attend the sessions which are free and refreshments are available.

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22 February 2007    -   Musical boost for good causes

Airedale Male Voice Choir will help a host of local and national charities by handing over the proceeds of concerts throughout 2007.

The choir's 40 members have planned 12 concerts at venues including Skipton, Steeton, Addingham and Cross Hills.

"Our annual charity concert on May 20 will once again be for the Manorlands Hospice and that organisation will also be the beneficiary in December when we sing at Cross Hills," said musical director John Smith, of Steeton.

"We will also be helping the Downs Support Group and the British Heart Foundation, in addition to providing valuable funds for local charities such as the Keighley Blind Association, the Salvation Army, the local MS support group and Yorkshire Air Ambulance."

Mr Smith added: "The choir, formed with a dozen men in 1997 and now with a membership of 40, has a simple philosophy - to produce a variety of music to a high standard, to enjoy ourselves in the process and to give all surplus funds to local charities. All these we have managed with the result that the diary is full and the financial help we have given now exceeds £48,000."

The choir's next concert takes place at Riddlesden United Reformed Church tomorrow (Saturday).

Local dates include St Andrew's Church, Skipton, on May 20; St Stephen's Church, Steeton, on August 25; Mount Hermon, Addingham, on November 17, and St Peter's Church, Cross Hills, on December 1.

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15 February 2007    -   Plan to set up youth council

Young people in Steeton and Eastburn could get the chance to be part of a new youth council.

Steeton-with-Eastburn parish councillors discussed the idea of setting up the body after listening to guest Silsden town councillor Pat Bottomley talk about the Silsden Youth Council.

She spoke about how the Silsden Youth Council had come about, what was needed to set up such an organisation and how it benefited the young people taking part.

Cllr Bottomley said: "A youth council can be formed for lots of different reasons. It would be quite nice to have a project to start with as it brings the young people in.

"The Silsden Youth Council is well thought of and a lot of people help us."

Chairman of the parish council Cllr Lorraine Harding agreed that a youth council might be the way forward in Steeton and Eastburn.

She said that an area co-ordinator's office grant of £2,000 had been offered to the parish council which could be used to facilitate the setting up of a youth council, if that was what members decided.

Cllr Bottomley said that members might like to go to a meeting of Silsden Youth Council first before they decided. Cllr John Hargreaves and Cllr Margaret Moorhouse agreed to attend.

l The number of incidents of anti-social behaviour has dropped in Steeton and Eastburn.

There were seven incidents of anti-social behaviour in December, compared to 14 in November. Youth nuisance remained at 12 incidents and there was one incident of burglary and violent crime. There were no incidents of serious violent crime or vehicle crime.

l Double yellow lines are to be placed on Station Road in Steeton to combat parking problems.

The lines, which are part of a new scheme to improve Station Road by Bradford Council's highways department, will be along both sides of the deemed congested road.

Clerk Cheryl Brown said that the parish council had only applied two months ago for the double yellow lines to be put in place and that it could take up to three months.

l Motorists are still speeding down High Street, in Steeton, according to councillors.

Cllr John Hargreaves said that cars were speeding up and down the street and that the police Speedwatch scheme should be set up on the street to prevent it.

l Proposed improvements to a junction in Steeton were described as "a joke" by one councillor.

Cllr David Mullen slated the proposed highway improvements, planned for the junction of Thornhill Road with Skipton Road, which he said would cause more traffic problems.

The improvements would see an informal crossing set up for pedestrians, which Cllr Mullen said would narrow the road, making it difficult for cars to get around and to turn out of the junction. He added that cars also parked close to the junction adding further problems.

Councillors suggested that the yellow lines along the road be extended to prevent cars parking too close to the junction and they agreed to send their comments to the highways' department.

l A hamper of local food goodies could be up for grabs for residents who complete a questionnaire seeking ideas for the parish plan. Residents must fill in their full details to be entered into a draw for the hamper. The questionnaire is at the pilot stage and is to go out to all villagers in Steeton and Eastburn when the parish council receives the grant for the parish Plan.

l Plans to transform Eastburn playing field could start sooner than expected if funds to drain the field of excess water are granted.

The parish council agreed that draining the field, estimated to cost around £21,000, was its main priority, before it could start the process of revamping the grounds.

Ideas for the site include installing new play equipment, providing access for the disabled and a footpath, introducing a wildflower meadow and planting more trees.

The council agreed to apply to Yorventure for the starter grant and pledged to add a further £3,000 from this year's budget to the drainage plans. The estimated cost of transforming the field is set to reach £178,750.

l Two trees will be planted in the football field in Steeton.

The council has agreed to plant the trees, in the field on Summerhill Lane, at a cost of between £60 and £80, to replace the sycamore tree which was recently felled.

The council is also to donate a set of unused blue Christmas lights to Steeton Cricket Club.

l Amended plans to build 12 apartments and four detached houses in Steeton have again received objections from councillors.

The plans, for land at Longlands, in Skipton Road, still caused concern for, who felt that not enough had been amended for members to remove their objections. Concerns were raised about a protected tree on the site and parking spaces.

l Plans to build a new farmhouse on Steeton Moor have received the thumbs up from councillors. This is the second time the plans, for land off Redcar Lane, have come before councillors.

The council had first recommended them for refusal, until an independent assessment had been carried out, as they felt there was not a great enough agricultural need.

Owner of the land, George Emmott, who also owns Currer Wood Farm, in Steeton, put forward his case for approving the plans at the start of the meeting. He said there were a number of problems up there with livestock and equipment being taken and because the land was unsupervised it was hard to stop this from happening. He added that the review had now been carried out and the building had been justified.

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15 February 2007    -   Wagon rolls for Jack’s final journey

Wagon driver Jack Pearce's last wish was honoured this week.

Jack, of Main Street, Cononley, had told his family he didn't want to make his final journey in a hearse.

So this week he was taken to St Stephen's Church, Steeton, on the back of a restored vintage DAF 2800 haulage vehicle.

Mr Pearce - who died last Thursday, aged 76 - had been involved in haulage all his working life and even in retirement. He worked for various haulage companies, including Cowgill's, of Skipton, and Webbs Poultry.

Clive Smith, Jack's stepson, said: "Wagons have been his passion. He said I am not going in a hearse' so it was decided to take his coffin on his son's vintage wagon."

Jack and his wife, Jean, who survives him, were married on a vintage vehicle in 1997, in Cononley, an image of which appeared on the church service sheet at Tuesday's ceremony. Jack passed on his passion to his son, Vaughan Pearce, who is also an enthusiast.

He said: "We have done a lot of the major shows together. We did the London to Brighton trip together.

"We went to shows all over. We had quite a few wagons at one time for showing. I suppose I've lost my showing partner really."

Jack leaves behind his only son from his first marriage and three stepchildren from his second.

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15 February 2007    -   Penny plans event despite paralysis

Former Steeton woman Penny Roberts is preparing for another mammoth challenge.

Despite being paralysed, Penny is planning to cycle 400 kilometres along the banks of the Nile to raise money for charity. The ride will start with a visit to the Egyptian pyramids and finish at the Valley of the Kings.

Last year Penny completed another 400-kilometre ride, this time across Kenya, to raise money for the same cause, Regain.

The charity supports people paralysed in sporting accidents.

Now Penny, who was injured in a skydiving accident, is trying to encourage as many people as possible to join her in her latest adventure, which will take place in November.

"I can't wait to do it all again," said Penny. "As I'm disabled I had to learn to use a special bike and because I needed people with me we had to raise sponsorship money for three people.

"I wasn't sure I could do it. But I found out you are never alone. It just needs one person to make the effort and everyone joins in."

She added that last time there were 50 able bodied cyclists and five disabled cyclists.

"There was such a fantastic atmosphere of fellowship. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Everyone just looked after each other," she recalled. "I was the only disabled girl that had done this event and it looks like this year I'll still be the only girl."

Visit for more information.

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13 February 2007    -   Farmhouse could be built

A new farmhouse could be built on moorland after councillors gave their backing to the scheme.

It was the second time the application, for land off Redcar Lane, Steeton, had come before Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council.

The council had first recommended refusal, but an independent assessment had revealed there was an agricultural need.

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13 February 2007    -   Councillors object to homes

Parish councillors have objected to amended plans to build 12 apartments and four detached houses.

They felt the revised plans for land at Longlands in Skipton Road, Steeton, did not address their original objections.

Concerns were raised about a protected tree on the site and parking spaces.

Councillor Lorraine Harding, chairman of Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council, said: "They have only made one minor amendment and that doesn't affect our objections."

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12 February 2007    -   Cathedral date

A celebration of Yorkshire brass instruments and voices is to be held in Bradford Cathedral.

Steeton Male Voice Choir and the United Yorkshire Co-operatives Brass Band will hold the event at 7.30pm on Saturday, February 17.

Money raised will go to the Lord Mayor's appeal. Tickets, priced £5, can be pre-ordered by calling (01274) 569870.

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9 February 2007    -   Yellow lines plan

Double yellow lines are to be painted on a busy street to combat parking problems.

The lines on Station Road, Steeton, will form part of a new scheme to improve the road by Bradford Council's highways department.

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9 February 2007    -   Stop the speeders

Councillors are demanding action on a street where motorists are breaking the speed limit.

Councillor John Hargreaves, from Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council, said cars were still speeding down High Street, in Steeton.

He said a police Speedwatch scheme should be set up on the street to prevent it and added that officers would need to be on the street for at least two hours to catch people.

His calls have been echoed by Coun Lorraine Harding, who agreed that there had always been a problem in High Street.

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31 January 2007    -   Homeless helped

Socks and chocs came flooding in at a church to help the district's homeless.

A total of 256 pairs of socks, 15 kilos of chocolate and 200 assorted biscuit bars were collected at St Stephen's Church, in Steeton, for the Bradford Soup Run.

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30 January 2007    -   Classic Music

An evening of male voice choir classics, ballads and solo pieces will be held by Steeton Male Voice Choir at 7.30pm on Saturday at St Joseph's RC Church, Ingrow, Keighley. Tickets can be obtained on the door or by calling 01274 569870.

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25 January 2007    -   Hospital praised

Airedale Hospital has been praised for the quality of its keyhole surgery.

The Steeton hospital, under the lead of consultant surgeon Raj Kapadia, has been identified as delivering excellent care in the field of cholecystectomy in a new national report by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.

The report shows that laparoscopic cholecystectomy - the removal of the gall bladder by keyhole surgery - can be performed safely as a day case.

Sherie Hepre, matron for day surgery at Airedale, said: "Years ago if you had this operation by open procedure you would be off work for up to three months.

"With laparoscopic surgery done as a day case, patients can be back in their own home the same day and recover very quickly, meaning they can be back on their feet and able to get on with their normal routines much sooner.

"The number of day case procedures we do are increasing all the time and that's a real benefit for our patients."

Around 49,000 people have their gall bladder removed every year in England, making it one of the most commonly undertaken procedures in the NHS.

Airedale has been identified as a top performer in the field thanks to the percentage of gall bladder removal procedures performed as day cases and through keyhole surgery.

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18 January 2007    -   Speeding drivers get penalty tickets

A number of fixed penalty tickets have been issued to drivers in Steeton caught speeding in Barrows Lane and Mill Lane.

The tickets were sent out as a result of the police Speedwatch scheme, it was reported at Steton-with-Eastburn Parish Council. Two sessions had been planned for the area but one was cancelled.

Parking problems at Station Road, in Steeton, have improved.

Councillor Pamela Blagden reported from the January police tasking meeting that the cones placed along the road by the police had improved the situation.

A number of fixed penalty notices were issued and the cones are set to be removed shortly. The highways department of Bradford Council has now agreed on a scheme for Station Road for double yellow lines to be placed along both sides and for a new footway between Summerhill Lane and East Parade.

Parking problems at Steeton Primary School have also improved due to high visibility patrols and the publication of parking guidelines.

There were 14 incidents of anti-social behaviour in November according to crime figures circulated to the parish council.

There were 12 incidents of youth nuisance, one incident of burglary, one incident of vehicle crime and one of violent crime.

Concerns over the on-going problem of graffiti throughout Steeton and Eastburn are to be reported at the next police tasking meeting.

The offensive graffiti was highlighted in the Keighley News last month and again this month when the former Co-op, in Steeton, was branded with BNP markings and racial abuse.

The graffiti has been appearing throughout the village and non-racist graffiti has been daubed in various places, including on road signs. Cllr Blagden said she would raise the concerns at the meeting.

Orders to de-trunk part of the A629 road received a negative reaction from councillors.

Members objected to the order, which would transfer responsibility of the road from the Highways Agency to Bradford Council. They said unless an acceptable package for maintenance and future improvements to the local road network was agreed between the Highways Agency and Bradford Council that they could not support the de-trunking of the road.

Queries were also made as to whether or not the de-trunking of the road would become a financial burden to the council-tax payers of that parish.

Cheaper fares, better co-ordination of bus and train timetables and more evening bus services - these were just some of the transport requests from councillors.

Members at the meeting were asked to comment on the "Consultation Regarding Transport" from Bradford Council and were quick to come forward with ideas and demands.

Some councillors felt that bus services and timetables did not reflect modern working patterns and that many bus services were not geared up to the needs of the community.

Others felt that the crossing at Kildwick caused congestion and made traffic problems worse in Steeton and Eastburn and some felt there should be buses to Colne in the evening.

Councillors also felt that because ticket offers were cheaper from north of Skipton than from Skipton, train users were encouraged to travel by car to Steeton and Silsden Railway Station, which they felt exacerbated the parking problems there.

Parish councillors have agreed to levy the same precept on the council tax bill as last year, to raise £20,956.

Residents in a Band D property will pay £15.30.

Projects budgeted for in the coming year include £3,000 to go towards developing the Eastburn playing fields, £2,000 towards addressing the problem of disabled access to the bowling pavilion, where the council holds its meetings, and litter bins.

Also, £1,000 has been allocated to pay for tree work in the football field, in Summer Hill Lane, which the parish council owns.

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16 January 2007    -   Parish thumbs down to detrunking plan

Orders to de-trunk part of the A629 road between Kildwick and Keighley received a negative reaction from Steeton-with-Eastburn parish councillors.

Members objected to the order, which would transfer responsibility of the road from the government's Highways Agency to Bradford Council.

They said unless an acceptable package for maintenance and future improvements was agreed between the Highways Agency and Bradford Council they could not support the de-trunking of the road.

Queries were also made as to whether or not the de-trunking of the road would become a financial burden to local council taxpayers.

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15 January 2007    -   Cones ease parking problems

Parking problems have eased on a busy road after police put out cones.

A number of fixed penalty tickets have been issued in Station Road, Steeton. The cones are to be removed shortly.

Bradford Council has now agreed on a scheme for double yellow lines to be placed along both sides of Station Road and for a new footpath to be created between Summerhill Lane and East Parade.

Councillor Pamela Blagden said the situation had improved.

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15 January 2007    -   Council tax levy set

A parish council has agreed to levy the same precept on the council tax bill as last year to raise £20,956.

Residents of Steeton-with-Eastburn will pay £15.30 for a band D property.

Projects budgeted for in the coming year include £3,000 towards developing the Eastburn playing fields and £2,000 towards disabled access to the bowling pavilion.

A further £1,000 has been allocated to pay for tree work in the football field in Summer Hill Lane, which the parish council owns.

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3 January 2007    -   Village hit once more by graffiti

A former shop front in Steeton has again been daubed with offensive graffiti.

The former Co-op, in Main Street, was re-marked with words - painted in bright orange - in support of the British National Party, over the festive period.

Last month the same building was covered in racial abuse and BNP markings.

Keighley town Mayor Councillor Graham Mitchell said: "Whatever it is and whoever they are they have not gone away. The residents are still really upset."

After last month's incident the Keighley organiser for the BNP, Christopher Kirby, said the culprits did not represent the party in any way.

He said the BNP was in the process of looking at people who were not good for the party and that it wanted to distance itself from this kind of "disgusting" behaviour.

Steeton-with-Eastburn Parish Council discussed the offensive graffiti at the last council meeting and emphasised the importance of reporting all such instances to the police.

Cllr David Mullen spoke of how it had been appearing throughout the entire village.

A police spokesman said: "Officers have located the graffiti at the former Co-op building.

"They will be contacting the relevant officers to remove the graffiti and are now investigating the incident. Anyone with any information is asked to contact their neighbourhood policing team on 01535 617119."

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